‘The Challenge: USA’: Season 2 Delayed: When Will It Air Tonight?

Cory Wharton-Teen Mom-YouTube

Tonight it was time for a new episode of Big Brother 25 and fans noticed that golf was airing instead. This meant that The Challenge: USA Season 2 would not be airing on time either. Golf had to finish, then 60 Minutes had to air, and then Big Brother 25 before it was even time for The Challenge. When will this new episode air?

CBS Shares When The Challenge: USA Will Air?

CBS went to their Twitter to reveal when the new episode of The Challenge: USA Season 2 will be airing and it will still air tonight. It will just be a little bit late. Fans are happy to know that it will at least air, but it is going to be a lot later than a lot of them would like for it to be.

In East and Central time zones only, The Challenge: USA will not be airing until 9:13 CST and 1013 EST. That means you still have a while until your favorite show will be on. You do not want to miss it, so make sure you change your DVR to record over or set another show that is going to air after it to record. Your DVR will not catch it on its own so you will have to either watch live or set it yourself to get the recording.

Their first tweet simply shared that they would be late, but didn’t give a time. This one really upset fans because they didn’t even know exactly when to expect the shows to air. You can check it out below.

Fans Are Extremely Upset

The fans of Big Brother and The Challenge: USA are very upset by this news. They have been waiting all day to watch their favorite shows. Instead, when they turned on The Challenge, Big Brother was still airing its episode. Here is what some of them had to say on the post.

  • You could have given 60 minutes the week off , or moved them to 10:13 pm.
  • I’d like to speak to a manager please.
  • Why not move sporting events running over (the NFL included) to CBS sports ????
  • If only DVR recordings knew to update as well. I was wondering what happened.
  • Yall have this issue every year. Im sorry but 60 minutes gotta get put on demand!

Are you upset that The Challenge: USA Season 2 is not airing on time tonight? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts.

Update: It is happening again on August 27, 2023.

Mandy Robinson

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