‘Live’ Kelly Ripa’s Husband Admits Disgusting Habit

Kelly Ripa's husband has a gross habit - YouTube

Live host Kelly Ripa’s husband Mark Consuelos is a beautiful man, but he has a dirty secret. A dirty secret he recently shared with viewers on live television. What is this disgusting habit of Mark’s? Keep reading for the details.

Live Kelly Ripa’s Husband Admits Disgusting Habit

During yesterday’s episode of LIVE with Kelly and Mark, the married couple and co-hosts landed on the topic of school. The topic made sense as it was currently the back-to-school season for anyone who didn’t go to year-round school.

Kelly Ripa and her husband were feeling a bit nosologic. So, they took a trip down memory lane. And, they talked about what school looked and felt like for them as children.

Kelly Ripa admitted that she always started the school year on the right foot. She was super organized. And, ready to go. By the end of the school year, however, the organization was out the window. She described it as an “avalanche of disorganization.” 

Keeping the conversation going, Mark asked if Kelly’s parents ever performed backpack checks to see what was hiding inside of hers. Kelly explained it wasn’t exactly a backpack check. Her parents would unzip and dump.

Kelly Ripa’s husband fesses up to having a disgusting habit of his own back in school. He explained that he developed a habit of chewing on his pens and pencils. This included the erasers on top too. He asked if his wife ever did the same thing. To which she replied that she didn’t.

Mark Consuelos - YouTube

Not Really A Habit From His Past?

Kelly Ripa quickly burst the bubble of her husband as he told this story. Turns out, this was not a dirty secret she didn’t know about. In fact, she informed Mark it was not a disgusting habit from his past. He still chews on the top of his pens and pencils.

As viewers who watch LIVE with Kelly and Mark agree, this segment didn’t come as too much of a shock. Mark and Kelly are always extremely open with their viewers about their personal lives. Sometimes viewers argue they might even be a little too open. There were many viewers at home who related to Mark’s disgusting habit as they recalled doing the same thing. Turns out, chewing on the tops of pens and pencils is a bit of a nervous habit. It is also something a lot of kids do in school to keep themselves occupied in the classroom.

Kelly Ripa - Mark Consuelos - Live with Kelly and Mark, YouTube
Kelly Ripa – Mark Consuelos – Live with Kelly and Mark, YouTube

Do you think it is a bit odd that Kelly Ripa’s husband still chews on the tops of his pens and pencils? Or, do you find this nervous habit to be relatable? Share your answers with us in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more news on Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark.

Allie Johnson

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