Fans Want Boycott Of ‘AGT’ After Disgusting Act Airs

Simon Cowell - America's Got Talent - AGT, YouTube

Fans of America’s Got Talent are calling for a boycott of the show following an act AGT aired that they’re calling “disgusting.”

AGT has stirred its fair share of controversy over the years. But the newest scandal may have far-reaching consequences, as fans are calling for a boycott. A recent act sparked outrage and shock, leading people to take to the internet with their concerns. Read on to find out what the act was that angered people, and why they think it’s worth a boycott.

Stunning Act Leads To Outcry Online

It all started with a simple circus act. Or rather, a not-so-simple circus act.

AGT‘s social media account shared a video and captioned it,“@bombacircus left little to the imagination.” Bomba!’s website describes the group; “Bomba! is a modern comic circus show, the creation of three Israeli circus artists, Amit, Noam & Yaron.”

Heidi Klum - America's Got Talent - AGT, Twitter
Heidi Klum – America’s Got Talent – AGT, Twitter

In the video, the circus group acted out a routine with an orange ball and wooden sports paddles. They juggled the ball between paddles and showed off their coordination and planning with tricky moves. And there was a catch: the three men appeared to be completely naked, using the paddles to protect their modesty. But as the act wore on, judges Simon, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel all looked increasingly nervous.

In the end, the judges decided to let the act advance to the next round. Fans, however, were not thrilled at the daring display of juggling skill and skin.

Fans Want A Boycott Of AGT After ‘Disgusting’ Act Airs

One fan wrote that the act should not be allowed on TV. They added, “Everything is so disgusting these days no one has any self respect!” Other fans expressed concern that AGT is often watched by young children. Some called the act “weird” or “disgusting,” and deemed it “not family safe.”

Now, they’re hoping that other offended viewers will join them in boycotting the show moving forward. One former fan furiously wrote on social media that “These people do not belong on your show.” They said that the act contained “no talent whatsoever” and offended the sensibilities of a family show. They concluded, “What the H*ll’s the matter with you people putting these guys on.” Another fan wrote that once again, “Another act that shows full grown men playing with adult nudity on a show THAT CHILDREN WATCH.” They said they used to love AGT, but criticized the quality of recent talent.

One critic wrote that the act should never be allowed “on a so-called family show.” And another added, “Can’t take the kids nowhere nowadays people have no respect.” At least one fan online called for people to stop watching the show with them, hoping to send a message.

Do you think America’s Got Talent went too far and should address the controversy? Or are people upset over nothing? Sound off in the comments. And catch America’s Got Talent on NBC.


  1. I do remember that AGT had a same auditions a couple years ago with two people and nobody complained about the auditions last time

    1. Yes the 2 guys who did a act much like this one the trouble today people wine cry about every little thing soon they will band people from picking there nose in public. I agree this act was not a good idea never should been aloud because kids watch. But I am also sick of the Winny crybabies crying about every little nothing thing.

  2. No talent and not family oriented. AGT Ned’s to get your act together before you judge someone else.

  3. This act was DISGUSTING, and AGT should be ashamed for airing it! Network television is NOT the right venue for showing completely naked people!

    1. I thought it was somewhat funny! HOWEVER, I also agree it should not have been aired as young children
      still watch AGT. Not an act for our youngsters to watch. AGT is not X-Rated. It is supposed to be a people show for all to enjoy. Bad choice but still not going to boycott!!

  4. Just like everything else in the U.S., AGT is bowing to “anything goes” and call it talent. Have some respect for your TV in house and at home audience. It was disgusting! You’ve gone too far. Next, you’ll be showing women doing unique things with their breasts. You have “opened the door”.

  5. Did anyone force you people to watch the ‘disgusting’ Bomba Trio acton AGT? If not, you should have gotten off your lazy behind if you couldn’t find your remote, and changed the channel. Why don’t grow up and get a life?

    1. I actually thought it was pretty funny, that said I still have a problem with AGT & that is Howie Mandel, I think he has long wore out his welcome, he no longer judges acts for their talent but by his personal oppion. Even when the audience gives them a standing ovation it means nothing to him because he didn’t like it. He should be fired

      1. YES!!! I am so glad to see someone else thinks this too!! He’s been there since the beginning and it’s time for him to go. If they want a comedian on the panel, there are plenty of fantastic options out there!

    2. Exactly! Turn the channel. I am getting sick of this cancel culture! Don’t like it, don’t watch it but don’t make that choice for me! Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right!

  6. This is what they call family TV. This was totally inappropriate for television Because our children are watching what happened to family values. It’s things like this gave me the reason to pull the plug on watching or having cable t v. I understand that this is supposed to be funny and entertaining. I don’t think so.

  7. Inappropriate and definitely not any kind of talent. Put those who actually have talent to share in the AGT program.
    If this type of trashy act continues to be presented on AGT, we will stop watching.

  8. I dont watch AGT, but I did watch the clip. They were good, unique, and funny. Put a disclaimer on the show for people with children. And move on. Some places would love this act. May not be your cup of tea, but it was a very good talent.

  9. This act was definitely better than Men with Pans. These men at least had some talent. I know how to change channels or turn the TV off if I don’t like something.

  10. It seems some shows are running out of content acceptable to a large segment of the population… and saying that those people should just not watch the shows is certainly appropriate. But if the show used to be OK for kids and now is not… well then it is the producers of the show who should “STOP.” Replace the show with old reruns- or take it off the air… but cease with the “rauncification” of what is available to watch at family times.

  11. Lighten up! It was funny, not vulgar. Your children will not be scarred by a human body. It wouldn’t be a big deal to them until YOU make it a big deal. Relax and enjoy the humor.

  12. What is the difference in this and some of the advertisements they show ,, some of them are obscene,,,TV is not like it use to be !!!!!!!! Nudity is the thing of the past,,,if you want to watch something that is decent just choose your own stuff to watch?!?!

  13. I wasn’t impressed by the performance simply because it’s just not my cup of tea, but people need to lighten up. It’s not like they were waving their penises around for all to see! It’s still prime time network tv with fcc rules. So kids watch… kids are watching the sword swallowing and knife throwing too. Perhaps the show could put up a disclaimer about the content to appease the pearl clutchers ?

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