Whoopi Goldberg Shares Kinky Talk Over Personal Sexcapade

Whoopi Goldberg - The View, YouTube

The View host Whoopi Goldberg recently shared some kinky talk over a personal s*xcapade.

While speaking with her co-hosts about vacation s*x, Whoopi made things a little awkward. While she was technically on topic, she took things a little further than anyone predicted. Read on to find out what Whoopi said that had all the eyebrows raising in surprise.

Whoopi Recently Revealed Fear For Her Friend

Before she got candid about her s*x life, Whoopi recently opened up about another personal experience.

She revealed that she was terrified for her friend and co-host Joy Behar after a terrifying on-set accident. The hosts used to sit in chairs that swiveled, which led to an accident with Joy. The table was discussing an incident with Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and they wished him well.

Joy Behar - The View, YouTube
Joy Behar – The View, YouTube

Joy then turned to Whoopi and asked if her friend remembered the time that she fell off a chair while filming. Whoopi responded that she did remember, but didn’t want to bring it up because it was so scary. Joy brushed it off, asking, “Why? My tush missed the seat, that’s all. I was trying to get on, and the thing swirled, that’s all.” But Whoopi said that Joy didn’t see what the rest of them saw. She added, “We saw you trying to figure out how not to fall onto the floor, and that was scary. Because you don’t know whether to catch you and annoy you.” Joy then interrupted, jokingly quipping, “But the chair kept moving, it was like a ride to Coney Island.”

While Joy seemed unbothered by the memory, Whoopi was clearly shaken.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Some Kinky Talk Over A Personal Sexcapade

But Whoopi Goldberg never keeps things somber for long.

This week, she barreled head-first into an awkward conversation about having s*x while on vacation. The hosts were discussing the topic in relation to a Wall Street Journal article touting the pros and cons of s*x while traveling. The round table engaged in some chatter about alcohol and s*x on the beach. Both the drink and the act. But then Whoopi’s contribution to the conversation took a hard turn, leading to some awkward moments and a cut away.

Whoopi Goldberg - The View - The View, YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg – The View – The View, YouTube

The Star Trek actress opined, “S*x on the beach is overrated.” She added, “If you try to have s*x in the pool, you know, that’s not easy, because you’re trying to go up the hill and you’re getting resistance from the water that is within.” Then she took things a step further. Whoopi mused, “Have you ever tried to put anything…” She stopped there, catching the shocked reaction in the room. Joy Behar chimed in, “Watch it now!”

The camera panned to the awkwardly smiling executive producer Brian Teta, off-stage. Whoopi joked, “You’re trying to move me on now, right?” She added, “You tell me ‘get engaged in the conversation’ then I start to get engaged and you want me to stop talking!” The show then cut to commercial.

Do you think Whoopi Goldberg took the conversation a little too far? Or do you enjoy it when the hosts get a little NSFW in their conversations? Sound off in the comments. And catch The View on weekday mornings on ABC at 11 AM EST.


  1. The whole show is vulgar, nasty, hateful and just a waste of time for any intelligent person. I have no idea why this is still on tv. With so much hate in this world this a breeding ground and a fuel injector to further instill more hate into our society. I have no problem when people differ in opinion. But this group is vicious and unless you are a staunch Democrate and you hate trump then you are attacked by these woman. time to cancel this useless show

    1. Totally agree and all of my friends feels the same way you do. Like we say it would be better off the View NOT being on television. Bad attitudes! Bad Mouth’s!

  2. Oh…come on!…Just be glad there are other shows on tv for you to watch! Trump…geez…why are you watching anyway…if you think Trump is your man!

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