‘RHONJ’ Dolores Catania Gives Season 14 Filming Update

Dolores Catania-Facebook

Dolores Catania is giving a RHONJ Season 14 filming update. Is everything going smoothly after a rocky ending to last season? More so, how is the cast handling filming with Teresa Giudice and what is the drama like? Has Luis Ruelas been a presence and are the Gorgas still at war with the Giudices? Read on for more details.

RHONJ Dolores Catania Gives Season 14 Filming Update

It looked like filming for Season 14 of RHONJ was going to be a struggle. Bravo seemed to want to bring the series back to its roots of family. However, there was so much drama between Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga. At the Season 13 reunion, Teresa kept saying that she would never see Melissa ever again. Melissa questioned what this meant and fans found out that production on the show was put on pause. Now, the whole cast from the last season is back but how are they working together? Many left with a bad taste in their mouths from Teresa’s husband, Luis Ruelas so is that a factor this time around?

Teresa Giudice/RHONJ/YouTube

According to The Sun, cast member and Teresa’s best friend, Dolores Catania is sharing how things are working out whilst filming. However, filming has not even started yet which was what was predicted when the show was halted. Though the show is usually filmed throughout the summer, a new proposed schedule would be more aimed toward the fall. The Sun had believed filming was to start next month but Catania has since debunked this.

Dolores Catania-YouTube

“To be honest with you, that’s not totally 100 percent true. Yeah, it’s not 100 percent. We don’t know,” Dolores Catania shared. She went on to note that she now has her own summer plans so she is not really thinking about the show. “I’m going to Ireland. So if the show is starting, it’s without me right now. I’m going the end of the month until the middle of August, so that’s where I’ll be.” Dolores’ longtime boyfriend, Paulie is from Ireland so she is living her best life.

Waiting On Dolores?

Since Dolores Catania was in Teresa Giudice’s wedding, it would be hard to think that they would start filming without her. However, there is enough activity within the cast that her being gone for a short period of time should not affect the show too much. At the reunion, Dolores was questioned about some shady business dealings that happened between her son and Luis. Her ex, Frank Catania shared that their son Frankie was working for Luis. Then, one day, the job and business were seemingly gone. When Dolores was asked about this by Andy Cohen, she vehemently denied any wrongdoing on Luis’ part. Looks like she will be ride or die Team Teresa.

Are you looking forward to the new season of RHONJ? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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