‘Sister Wives’ Season 18: Fans Crown Janelle The Queen

Janelle Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube

Now that the Sister Wives Season 18 trailer is out, fans have declared Janelle Brown the “queen” of the show.

Season 17 explored Christine Brown‘s big breakthrough and decision to leave the family. This year, it seems like it’s Janelle’s turn.

The season premiere kicks off on August 20, so fans won’t have to wait long to catch the first episode. But most of all, fans really want to see the Christmas scene featured in the trailer when Janelle tells Kody to “shut his f***ing mouth.”

As the premiere looms, Reddit is alive with chatter and discussions from viewers. Keep reading to see what they’re saying.

Sister Wives fans cheer on Janelle as she rebels against Kody

Sister Wives fans already know that Kody Brown wants to be in complete control of his family. However, many members of the family have grown tired of his domineering nature over the years. Christine is already gone and Janelle will make her grand departure this season.

And after seeing the full trailer, fans are rallying around Janelle as she stands up for herself.

Janelle Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

Janelle Brown has traditionally been the meek wife. But in Season 18, everyone will see a new side of her.

“In Season 18….she will rule,” one Redditor joked online. They added an edited movie poster of the 2006 film The Queen. But instead of Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth, someone edited the image to feature Janelle’s face.

Queen Janelle edit from Xenedra_Darkrose on Reddit

Other fans went wild for the edit and readily agreed that it was perfect.

“That ‘f*ck you!’ in the trailer? I felt that in my soul. GET HIM JANELLE!” another Reddit user added in the comments.

“The entire royal court has packed their bags, leaving the sinister joker and his selfish consort to lord over their empty kingdom of doom and gloom,” another user joked. “Let the OG wives reign supreme and freely over their new lives with no further obligations to, interference from, and manipulation or lies told by the wretched clowns of court. I love this poster. She deserves the glory.”

Janelle Brown picks up Kody’s slack in the parenting department

Most Sister Wives fans were thrilled to see Janelle finally tell Kody off in the new trailer. But many were also excited to see the kids take a stand against their dad too.

During a family meeting, Garrison Brown declares that Robyn can have their father.

“We’re all grown adults that don’t need a father figure anymore,” Garrison says, clearly exasperated by the whole situation. Christine’s daughter Gwendlyn nods in agreement, also aggravated by Kody’s absentee parenting.

Although Kody hasn’t been around, Janelle and Christine are doing their best to show the kids proper parental love and affection.

Janelle Brown and her children from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from Instagram
Janelle Brown/Instagram

Are you excited to see Janelle Brown stand up to Kody? How do you think it will all play out onscreen? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Sister Wives Season 18 premieres on August 20 on TLC, so check back soon for the latest updates.

Nikole Behrens
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