Jessica Shannon Details Coming Out In Public Eye

Jessica Shannon-YouTube

Mama June’s second eldest daughter, Jessica Shannon came out this season of Family Crisis. Yet, she has actually been out for over a year to those who follow her social media. So, what has it been like coming out in the public eye, with everyone watching her and following her moves? Read on for more details.

Mama June: Jessica Shannon Details Coming Out In Public Eye

Jessica Shannon is the more soft-spoken and emotional daughter of Mama June. Out of the four, she is low-key and just goes with the flow. However, she does not appreciate when June goes off and abandons the girls the way that she has for many years. Jessica ended up going to live with Pumpkin and her family around the time the pandemic started. June had sold the title to Jessica’s car for drugs so she really did not have anything. It seemed like everyone comes to Pumpkin’s but they made the most out of it. When June got herself together, she came back to Georgia.

Mama June / YouTube
Mama June-YouTube

She and Jessica Shannon were going to get an apartment together with Jessica getting a car so that she could drive Mama June around. That never happened as a man got in the way. Now, Jessica has her own place with her roommate who ultimately turned out to be her girlfriend, Shyann McCant. When ET sat down with the family, Jessica opened up about coming out on television. First off, Jessica says that it feels good to have people on her side, especially her mother.

Jessica Shannon/Mama June/Instagram

She shared that Mama June did not initially know that she was gay but then she found out on social media. Of course, there are some who do not agree with her life but she just ignores them. Though it was not easy for June to find out online, she admits that she always knew as did Jessica’s sisters. As for why now was the right time, Jessica explained that she met the right person in Shyann who made her feel okay with it all.

Here Comes The Bride?

Mama June apparently does ask, in the season finale of Family Crisis, if Jessica Shannon and Shyann are going to be next to tie the knot. Pumpkin joked that Shyann is more than ready but Jessica admitted that she needs some time. More so, she wants it to be spontaneous. Shyann fits in really well with the family and even Pumpkin’s daughter, Ella adores her. One thing that Mama June did note was that this family has been open about sexuality for years. Pumpkin shared she was bisexual as a tween so this is not something that they care too much about. As long as Jessica is happy, that is all that matters.

Are you happy that Jessica Shannon’s family is really supportive of her? Let us know in the comments and watch the season finale of Mama June: Family Crisis Friday on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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