‘LPBW:’ Isabel & Jacob Roloff Mourn Sad Death

Jacob Roloff's Wife Preparing To Launch Podcast? [Credit: Isabel Roloff/Instagram]

Heartbreaking news coming from the Little People, Big World family as Isabel and Jacob Roloff are currently mourning a sad death. It was Jacob’s wife Isabel who took to Instagram to share the news. She, however, reportedly deleted the tragic post from her Instagram Stories shortly after posting it. Who passed away? Keep reading for the details.

LPBW: Isabel & Jacob Roloff Mourn Sad Death

Isabel Roloff took to her Instagram Stories to share a photo of her four black baby chicks huddled together. She explained in a caption attached to the precious she explained that she decided to go check on her babies once before going to bed. Unfortunately, she discovered one of her four baby chicks passed away.

Isabel Roloff - Instagram

Isabel Roloff acknowledged understanding the death of one of the baby chicks was “part of it” and extremely common when raising chickens. That knowledge, however, didn’t stop her from feeling heartbroken over the passing of one of her babies.

Jacob Roloff’s wife added that she decided to attach this update to a “happi [sp]” photo of the four babies prior to one of them passing away.

Now, for some unknown reason, Isabel Roloff did make the decision to delete this heartbreaking photo shortly after she shared it on her Instagram Stories. It is unclear what made her decide to delete the post.

Isabel Roloff - Instagram
Isabel Roloff – Instagram

They’ve Been Defending The Chickens

Turns out, keeping the chicks and chickens alive hasn’t been an easy task for Isabel and her husband Jacob. In April, the duo reported having to fight off a bald eagle that wanted to have the chicks for lunch. Jacob revealed at the time: “Very cool but very close to losing a chicken just now.”

“Happened to roll up during the attack, and he was in the pen, and there are some feathers, but all the hens are safe now.”

Jacob Roloff added that the bald eagle wasn’t the only critter trying to feast on their chickens. He also busted a raccoon got into the coop and ate some of their eggs. Jacob shared: “Opened the door, and he was like two feet away, again just in time, and didn’t lose any hens.”

Jacob and Isabel Roloff- Instagram
Jacob and Isabel Roloff- Instagram

Fortunately, Isabel Roloff’s husband has been able to time checking on the chicken coop perfectly with every incident to stop predators from feasting on their chickens.

Why do you think Isabel Roloff decided to delete her post about the baby chick passing away? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more TLC news.

Allie Johnson

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