Did Fans Uncover Kourtney Kardashian’s Due Date?

Kourtney Kardashian Instagram

Fans speculate that they could have figured out Kourtney Kardashian’s due date. Kardashian is married to Travis Barker, and they recently just announced their pregnancy. They also revealed the baby’s gender and included a photoshoot where Kourtney is in a stunning blue dress. She is rocking the baby bump!

Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Already Know Baby’s Name

Fans saw Kourtney Kardashian announce her pregnancy by holding up a sign that stated “Travis, I’m pregnant”. Kardashian announced her pregnancy this way because of a Blink-182 music video. How cute is that? This will be Kourtney and Travis’s first baby together, although Kourtney already has three other kids with ex-boyfriend, Scott Disick. Barker and Kardashian revealed that they would be having a boy, and they seem so excited. The couple has already picked out a name for their new baby boy. On Kourt’s Instagram post on Wednesday, Barker commented:

“I already know his name.”

Of course, fans only want to know what they decided to call their first baby together and cannot wait to find out. The 47-year-old knew what he was doing with that comment.

Does Travis Barker’s Tour Schedule Reveal Kourtney’s Due Date?

Fans have started speculation on Reddit that Travis Barker’s tour schedule could be the clue to figuring out when Kourt will have her fourth baby. A fan commented that there was a:

“large gap between July 16 – September 1, this is … when they start their European part of the tour. There is also a gap between September 20 – October 2 which seems possible given my personal guesses to how far along she is.”

Viewers think this could just be a normal break before Barker and his band go into their European Tour. If they did not plan around Kourtney’s pregnancy then what are they going to do if she goes into labor the same night as one of his shows? Fans are weary that their concerts in September and October could get canceled so Travis can go be with Kourtney.

However, the schedule was made long before Kourtney’s pregnancy, so no one knows if there is any truth to that speculation. According to Page Six, most fan predictions put Kourtney giving birth in mid-September or October. Are fans right?

Now, fans could be right, or they could just be wrong, there is no telling. The tour dates were made before Kourtney’s pregnancy, but the married couple could have something up their sleeves that viewers do not know about. When do you think Kourt will pop out baby number four? Do you think other fans’ guesses are right? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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