Sanya Richards Of ‘RHOA’ Evicts Parents To Rekindle Marriage

Sanya Richards RHOA/ YouTube

RHOA star and former 2012 Gold Olympian, Sanya Richards has been living in her beautiful mansion with a full house. It includes her sister, Shari (and her husband and children), and her parents, Sharon and Archie Richards. More so, it was an arrangement that seemed to work for everyone. That is, until recently.

Due to the strains in Sanya’s relationship with her husband, Aaron Ross, she’s been making it clear that this communal living style isn’t working anymore. Sanya and Aaron would prefer to move on with their life, without her parents around.

Aaron &Sanya Want To Rediscover Coupledom

Sanya Richards and her husband, Aaron, have experienced some pressure in their relationship lately. They feel it would be easier for them to move forward if they didn’t have so many people in the house. In a recent RHOA episode, Sanya confided her feelings to her sister, Shari.

According to Meaww, Aaron Ross isn’t thrilled about the living arrangements. Even though it is a massive house, there are a lot of people living there. So, he feels someone needs to move out so he and Sanya can “reclaim their identity as a couple.” Fans of RHOA were not the only ones who thought the communal vibe was working for everyone. Shari was thrown off, too. She thought everyone was happy with the way things were going in the house.

Money Plays A Role In The Decision

The living situation might have seemed perfect for everyone but Sanya Richards has hinted at the opposite. She made comments suggesting that some people in the household were benefitting from her financial situation.

Sanya wasn’t specific about who she referred to. Instead, she inferred that there were members of the household that didn’t contribute as much money as they could have.

Her Parents Heard The Message Loud And Clear

Even though RHOA Sanya Richards didn’t specify who she was talking about, Sharon and Archie figured it out on their own. They are employed as Sanya’s agent and mentor, so it made sense for them to live in the house at first. When Sharon broached the topic with Sanya, she was clear about hearing the message and not wanting to be where they weren’t wanted. Archie didn’t seem thrilled about the idea of leaving but Sharon said they’d find a new place to move on with their lives and let Sanya and Aaron do the same.

Sharon Richards had a great attitude and looked at the whole situation as an opportunity. She said it would give them a chance to find new ways to enjoy life.

What do you think? Should Sanya and Aaron have asked Sharon and Archie to move out, or should they have tried to work out their issues? Were Sharon and Archie actually holding the couple back? Let us know in the comments below.

Danielle McGaw
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