Justin Stroud Reveals Shocking Reason He Married Mama June

Justin Stroud, Mama June/YouTube

Justin Stroud is revealing the shocking reason that he married Mama June Shannon a little over a year ago. It was clear that the two had a whirlwind courtship. Furthermore, this was the first time June had ever been married so that was a head-scratcher. What made Justin so much better than the men before? More so, why did he choose June? Was it the fact that she took care of him? Now, he is opening up as to why he tied the knot with the reality star. Read on for more details.

Justin Stroud Reveals Shocking Reason He Married Mama June

When Mama June brought Justin Stroud around, it was very interesting. Why? Mainly because she had left her kids, once again, to be with a man in Alabama. Yet, she returned with a man who was not the one she left them for. Additionally, the original man she was going to see, she dropped about 50K, between a car and other items. Therefore, everyone was confused as to how Justin entered the picture. He was apparently friends with a guy she went to visit and she claimed that they had an instant connection. Soon, they were inseparable and by the end of the last season of Road to Redemption, she was buying him new teeth.

Justin Stroud, Mama June/ YouTube
[Mama June, Justin-YouTube]
Now, ahead of the premiere of Family Crisis, Justin is explaining why he really married Mama June. As many may recall, the two tied the knot secretly at a courthouse in March 2022. According to People, Justin breaks down why he married June in the premiere of Family Crisis. “This ain’t how I wanted this to go, like, this whole marriage, you know. And how it went down, like, that’s not what I wanted. Like that’s not how I wanted it to go,” Justin admits to his wife.

Mama June, Justin Stroud/Instagram
[Mama June, Justin-Instagram]
Mama June contends that Justin was also there to sign the marriage license. However, her hubby fires back that she asked him while he was locked up. Therefore, that was why he agreed to marry her. “To be honest with you, I was emotionally messed up. I was going through some things. Life isn’t where I wanted to be at that point. You know, I just got out of rehab not too long before that. And just I wasn’t emotionally in it, June,” Justin admits.

Getting Remarried

Mama June believes that Justin Stroud has had enough of her and her life and that he wants a divorce. However, the two end up having a vow renewal later on in the season. All four of June’s daughters were in attendance which is an issue throughout the season. Her youngest, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson does not want to go. Yet, it seems like everything has ultimately worked out for the best.

Are you shocked that Justin was not in the best emotional place to get married? Let us know and watch Mama June: Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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