Joy-Anna Forsyth Crosses The Line Exploiting Son Gideon

Joy-Anna Forsyth - YouTube - Instagram

Duggar fans think that Joy-Anna Forsyth has crossed the line by exploiting her five-year-old son, Gideon. Her most recent video about him has left fans pretty upset. So, what did the mom do that fans think is too much? Keep reading for all of the details.

This isn’t the first time that Joy-Anna has been called out online. The 25-year-old takes the heat often for the way she raises her kids and the content she decides to share with her many followers. No matter what she does, she can’t seem to win with the fans and critics. This latest stunt has left her followers especially unhappy though.

Joy-Anna Forsyth - Instagram - Gideon Forsyth
Joy-Anna Forsyth – Instagram – Gideon Forsyth

Joy-Anna Forsyth films Gideon in a vulnerable state.

This time, Joy-Anna is under fire for filming Gideon while Austin pulled out his tooth. She shared a new video this past week, revealing that Gideon had lost his first tooth. The little guy was very proud, but also in the video, Joy-Anna shared footage of his tooth being pulled. To remove the tooth, Austin tied dental floss around it. This whole experience made Gideon cry and he seemed hurt and upset.

Joy-Anna and Austin attempted to calm Gideon down after this ordeal, but he was still crying. Despite his strong emotions, the parents continued filming and then chose to include this sad footage in their new video.

Below, you can see one of the sad, hurt expressions on Gideon’s face in the new video.

Joy-Anna Forsyth - YouTube
Joy-Anna Forsyth – YouTube

What do Duggar fans think of this?

On RedditDuggar fans and critics are discussing Joy-Anna Forsyth’s new video. And many are not happy. They feel that the Forsyths are profiting off of Gideon’s trauma. The little boy was obviously terrified and in pain when his dad pulled his tooth. One snarker was upset that Joy-Anna and Austin were, “showcasing your child’s discomfort for clicks.”

Someone else added, “Joy is the worst for the exploitation of her children.” Others called the video “heartbreaking.”

Other fans bring up an important point that Joy-Anna was filmed throughout her childhood, even in vulnerable moments. So, it may not be odd to her to film her own son going through these painful, emotional times.

In the past, the Duggar daughter also shared footage of her son being tested for a potential learning delay. Fans agreed that this was crossing the line as well.

So, what do you think of Joy-Anna Forsyth crossing the line and exploiting her son, Gideon? Do you see a problem with the video she shared, or do you think it’s okay? Sound off in the comments section below, and come back to TV Shows Ace for more news about the Duggar family. Below, you can watch Joy-Anna’s newest video and see the questionable content for yourself.

Aubrey Chorpenning

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