Joy Forsyth Crosses Line In Desperate Attempt For More Views?

Joy Forsyth - YouTube

Has former Counting On star Joy Forsyth crossed the line in a desperate attempt to get more views? Some fans believe she’s seriously overstepped and it’s possible that she’s done major damage in the process. What did the Duggar daughter do that has fans so upset? Keep reading to get all of the details.

Joy Forsyth relies on YouTube Instagram to pay the bills.

If you follow Joy on social media, you may have seen her occasional ads and regular YouTube videos. In addition to her husband Austin Forsyth working in construction, she brings in money from social media. Because she has so many social media followers, companies choose to work with her and have her promote their products. In exchange, she may make a flat rate or receive a commission on the products sold.

On YouTube, she gets more money when she gets more views. The success varies by what content she includes in her videos. Some of her videos, such as her recent gender reveal, got a lot of attention. Fans feel like her latest YouTube video might have been a shady attempt to get more views and make a little extra cash.

Joy Forsyth - YouTube
Joy Forsyth – YouTube

Did she cross a line to get more views?

This past weekend, Joy Forsyth released a new YouTube video that documented her sister Jinger Vuolo’s trip to Arkansas. Jinger lives in Los Angeles, California with her two daughters, Felicity and Evangeline, and her husband Jeremy. It looks like the sisters enjoyed lots of quality time together. However, as we reported, Joy happened to include footage of Felicity and Evangeline, which violated their privacy.

Jinger and Jeremy made the decision not to show their daughters’ faces on social media. But the girls’ faces were visible several times in Joy Forsyth’s new video. While some fans think she forgot to edit these parts out, others feel that she included them to get viewers talking and send more attention to her YouTube channel.

Below, you can see a couple of scenes featuring Felicity and Evangeline. A Reddit user blurred their faces, but Joy did not. The fan said, “I think Joy Anna knew exactly what she was doing 😡 the disrespect to post your sister’s kids’ faces online knowing d*mn well she doesn’t want them on camera.”

Someone else chimed in, “Joy is probably keeping it in the Vlog in hopes people talk about it meaning they’ll watch her video to see Jinger’s kids’ faces.”

Joy Forsyth YouTube
Joy Forsyth YouTube

Yet another Reddit user accused Joy Forsyth of showing Felicity’s and Evangeline’s faces for views. One said, “Joy knew her video would get more views if she showed Jinger’s kids’ faces.” They added that they think Joy will do anything just to get more views.

“She was legitimately chasing them around with that camera. She 100% thought it was her right to show those girls’ faces,” said one Duggar critic.

So, do you think that Joy Forsyth is desperate for views and that’s why she showed Jinger Vuolo’s kids on camera? Or do you think she totally spaced it and meant to edit their faces out of the footage? Sound off in the comments section below, and come back to TV Shows Ace for more news about the Duggar family.

Aubrey Chorpenning

One Comment

  1. If Jinger and Jeremy didn’t give her permission, she MAJORLY crossed a line. I would be livid if someone did this to my kids because I also have the rule that my children’s faces can not be posted online to any public social media accounts owned by friends and family. Private images within the circle should stay there. If you don’t personally know and care about my kids, you don’t need to see them. Children are people, not props, and with a brother like hers she should know the kind sickos who could be watching/viewing.

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