Austin Forsyth Stops Parent Shamers Dead In Their Tracks

Austin Forsyth - Joy Forsyth -YouTube

Former Counting On star and Duggar son-in-law Austin Forsyth is stopping the parent shamers dead in their tracks. He and his wife Joy Forsyth face frequent criticism for the way they raise their kids, and he didn’t want to hear about it after his latest parenting move. So, what was Austin doing? And how did he shut down the haters? Keep reading for all of the details.

Duggar fans often criticize Joy and Austin’s parenting choices.

In the past, Joy and Austin Forsyth have been called out online for the way they raise their two children, Evelyn, 2, and Gideon, 5. The couple often gives their followers a peek into their lives via Instagram and YouTube, sharing what they and their kids are up to. This also gives fans and critics many opportunities to criticize the family.

Fans have expressed concerns over car seat safety, child-proofing, and many other issues. At one point, fans spotted a gun within the kids’ reach on the kitchen table. In another video, Joy allowed Evelyn to be barefoot at a construction site.

Austin Forsyth- Joy Forsyth Instagram
Austin Forsyth- Joy Forsyth Instagram

Now, another potential safety concern has popped up, but Austin doesn’t want to hear a word from the haters this time.

Austin Forsyth stops the parent shamers dead in their tracks.

In a new YouTube video, Austin Forsyth took his five-year-old son Gideon to a construction site with him. He informed fans that the kiddo was in the excavator and panned the camera in his direction.

Then, Austin Forsyth stooped the parent shamers dead in their tracks. He said, “Don’t worry. The key’s not in there. He can’t start it.”

Based on Austin’s voice, it sounded like he was tired of setting the record straight about his kids’ safety. It doesn’t seem like he was interested in fighting off the critics. So, he wanted to make a statement before the haters had a chance to say anything. Fortunately, it looks like all was well with Austin and Gideon at work. And a couple of other Duggar men joined them at the job site.

Austin Forsyth - Joy Forsyth -YouTube
Austin Forsyth – Joy Forsyth -YouTube

In the comments section of the YouTube video, fans are keeping their comments pretty positive when it comes to Gideon. One fan said, “Gideon looks completely natural sitting up in that bulldozer. Lol.”

It looks like five-year-old Gideon is already following closely in his father’s footsteps. Fans are eager to see what the little man ends up doing next.

So, what do you think of Austin Forsyth stopping the parent shamers dead in their tracks? Are you glad to see him sticking up for his family? Sound off in the comments section below, and come back to TV Shows Ace for more news about the Duggar family. The full video is below.

Aubrey Chorpenning

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