Mayim Bialik Wears Leslie Jordan During ‘CMK’ Tribute

Call Me Kat/YouTube

Mayim Bialik will be honoring the late Leslie Jordan in a very special way. As Jordan’s Call Me Kat tribute episode is nearing, Bialik reveals she will literally be wearing the late actor. Yet, how is she doing such a thing? Read on for more details.

Mayim Bialik Wears Leslie Jordan During CMK Tribute

The cast of Call Me Kat has had a rough go of it since Leslie Jordan tragically passed away in October of last year. However, they are not going to give up on his character, Phil. Especially since he brought so much love and light to the series. His dear friend, Vicki Lawrence will be coming in to play the role of Phil’s mother but they will also be honoring Jordan, as well. According to The Sun, Mayim Bialik, who plays Kat, has a very special way that she will be honoring Leslie.

Leslie Jordan/YouTube

As it turns out, Mayim discovered that she and Jordan are actually the same shoe size. She shared this news on her Instagram along with photos of her wearing his lovely rainbow sneakers. “I didn’t know until Leslie died that he and I wore the same size shoes. For our tribute episode, I am wearing one of his signature rainbow sneakers he’s been wearing on our show. They’re under the table and you may not even see them on camera, but I knew they were under there. Looking for any way to keep him close I guess,” she wrote.

Mayim Bialik/Instagram

It is such a sweet tribute that she will be wearing his shoes especially since she posted a video when his last episode aired. Mayim Bialik revealed it was very hard for her to watch it knowing it was his last. However, it looks like the cast is doing their absolute best to attempt to keep his spirit alive. Plus, Vicki Lawrence was very close to Jordan, even co-starring on the short-lived sitcom The Cool Kids together.

What’s Next?

Call Me Kat has not quite said how they will handle Leslie Jordan’s passing. There is the possibility that they will be testing out new people as bakers to take his place. However, that seems like an impossibility as he was a force to be reckoned with. As for Mayim Bialik, she was able to take some time for herself as she traveled to Israel over the holidays. She also hosts Celebrity Jeopardy! which just moved from Sundays to Thursdays. Yet, it will be interesting to see how CMK will address Phil’s noticeable absence.

What do you think of Mayim Bialik’s tribute to Leslie Jordan? Let us know in the comments and watch Call Me Kat Thursdays on FOX.

Amanda Lauren

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