Lisa Rinna Confirms ‘RHOBH’ Exit, Won’t Return For Season 13

Lisa Rinna/YouTube

Lisa Rinna is officially leaving RHOBH and won’t be participating in Season 13. After a rough season, filled with fights and tumult, it appeared that she might be let go. However, a recent People’s Choice Awards appearance seemingly showed an amicable front with her and her co-stars. So, why is she exiting? Read on for more details.

Lisa Rinna Confirms RHOBH Exit, Won’t Return For Season 13

Season 12 was rough for actress Lisa Rinna. Though she has experienced some tough seasons since joining RHOBH in Season 5, this was not her finest hour. It started with a debate over a table at Elton John’s Oscar party. She went head-to-head with longtime friend Sutton Stracke and then, her mother, Lois passed away. This really turned Rinna for the worse as she attempted to navigate her pain. She began to lash out in many ways, something that she had previously done. Then, there was Rinna versus Kathy Hilton.

Lisa Rinna/YouTube

In Aspen, the cast had a big trip but something went down between Lisa Rinna and Hilton which apparently left the former with PTSD. She continued to rehash the incident and it caused a rift between Hilton and her sister, OG cast member Kyle Richards. Fans began taking Hilton’s side over Rinna’s leading Hilton to call Rinna the “biggest bully in Hollywood.” Hilton also said she would not return if Rinna was there though Rinna said she could work with anyone.

Lisa Rinna/YouTube

However, Rinna’s contract came to an end after Season 12, and now, she is leaving, according to People. “This is the longest job I have held in my 35 year career and I am grateful to everyone at Bravo and all those involved in the series. It has been a fun eight-year run and I am excited for what is to come!” Rinna shared in a statement.

Who Made The Decision?

Apparently, it was not Bravo or Lisa Rinna who made the choice exclusively. Rather, this was a mutual parting after she looked at what she had going on aside from the show. Not only was she a big part of RHOBH but she had also founded Rinna Beauty. This not only encompasses a full lip line but now features eye kits, as well. Plus, she has her Rinna Wines and both of her daughters are successful models all over the world. So, she may want to support them. In the end, this is probably the best option for the 59-year-old right now. She needs to take a step back and process what she has been through in the past year.

Do you think the show will be the same without Lisa Rinna? More so, will you miss her not being on RHOBH or will it be a welcomed change? Let us know in the comments.

Amanda Lauren

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