Kris Jenner Boozing & Dissing Daughter Kourtney Kardashian?

Kris Jenner & Kourtney Kardashian-YouTube

Is Kris Jenner boozing while dissing daughter Kourtney Kardashian? That’s what fans are wondering as the family spends time together in Aspen. They accused her of snubbing her oldest daughter while she gave a speech during the family’s Christmas party. Keep on reading to learn more.

Did Kris Jenner have too much to drink?

The Kardashian-Jenner clan has been sharing videos and photos of their trip to Aspen. Fans didn’t expect to see a video of Kris Jenner having too much to drink and bragging about her kids. She gave a speech during a family celebration on Tuesday night. Kris was happy as she praised her daughters Kim, Khloe, Kylie, and Kendall. However, she failed to acknowledge Kourtney.

Kris Jenner [Hulu | YouTube]
[Hulu | YouTube]
In the clips shared on social media, Kris wore a sparkly silver pajama set. She paired her look with silver jewelry and matching hoop earrings. The family threw a party to celebrate the success of Good American, Kylie Cosmetics, and SKIMS. Kourtney launched her new Lemme venture months ago. She also has a lifestyle website called Poosh.

However, Kris Jenner managed to shut out her oldest daughter. Kourtney didn’t attend the event, which took place at a restaurant even though some of the family wore their fanciest pajamas. Kris got up from her table to give a speech. She gushed about each of her daughters except for one.

“I’ve got Good American on the outside, I’ve got SKIMS on the inside,” Kris Jenner said with a smile on her face. “I’m drinking 818 like crazy! What about Kylie Cosmetics? I have my makeup on, Kylie Cosmetics. And of course, I wash my face with Kim’s SKKN. I mean, does it get any better? I’ve got all of it.”

Kris Jenner At Christmas Party [Tracy Romulus | Instagram]
[Tracy Romulus | Instagram]
She didn’t mention Kourtney’s brands. Fans had to wonder if Kris intentionally forgot about her daughter. It brought up an interesting debate on Instagram.

Snubs Kourtney Kardashian?

Fans shared their thoughts on Reddit. Some of them noticed that Kris Jenner left her daughter out of the equation. Even though Kourtney wasn’t there, Kris still could’ve acknowledged Poosh and Lemme. Kourtney has missed out on many family events in recent months.

  • “What about Poosh?”
  • “Poor Kourtney!”
  • “Nobody cares about Kourtney and Lemme.”

Other fans think Kourtney is trying to distance herself from her famous family. She hangs out more with Travis Barker and his side of the family. There have also been rumors that she’s having sibling rivalry. However, Khloe did appear in Kourtney’s latest Lemme ad.

What are your thoughts on Kris Jenner boozing and dissing her daughter Kourtney Kardashian? Do you think it was intentional? Or, do you think she simply forgot about her? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Kris Jenner.

Chanel Adams

One Comment

  1. our parents are our parents we can’t change that but there ours we all make my mistakes and we hurt people get beyond the hurt don’t distance if you don’t really have to some can’t afford to be near our families as much as we would like cherish what you have your life is public and that’s unfortunate because the world looks at you harshly hurt is hurt it’s our hurt feel it don’t embellish it

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