Why Isn’t ‘The Masked Singer’ On & When Will It Air?

The Masked Singer/YouTube


The Masked Singer has been a Wednesday night staple. However, fans were furious tonight when they turned on their television to find out it was not on. Why is it not there and when will it return? Read on for more details.

When Will The Masked Singer Return?

The Masked Singer will still air tonight. It is just a little delayed because of baseball. The Philadephia Phillies are up against the Atlanta Braves and the game has cut into the show. Normally, the hit FOX singing competition airs at 8 p.m. EST. Unfortunately, the game is still going on due to a rain delay. It is actually intruding well into Lego Masters time slot. Fox made this announcement via social media to a slew of worried and angry fans who had no clue if the show would still go on.

The Masked Singer/Facebook

“FOX is not sorry. If they were, the game would be moved and Masked Singer would be on now!!!!!” one person tweeted. However, fans are begging those in Canada and with Canadian TV access not to say anything. They have already seen the show and do not want any spoilers. Unfortunately, because of social media, this is becoming increasingly hard. The eliminated singer has pretty much already been revealed so beware those who are heavy on Twitter.

The Theme For The Night

This evening is supposed to be a lot of fun on The Masked Singer. It will revolve solely around musicals and who better to join the judges than Andrew Lloyd Webber? His musicals include CATS, The Phantom of the Opera, and Evita, to name a few. He will help Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Nicole Scherzinger, and Jenny McCarthy this evening. This is one genre he knows the best so it will be a lot of fun to see how he fares. Now, DVR is still an option for those who cannot stay up for the show. However, there is no real end time for the game.

Ken Jeong/YouTube

If you have Hulu, this is another option. There, the show can be streamed at a later date. This is unfortunate and it is unpredictable but no one anticipated the rain. Luckily, the show will still go on with some patience. Again, to avoid spoilers, stay off of social media as those in Canada have already seen the show.

*Unfortunately, the show will not air this evening. FOX just shared an update that The Masked Singer will be back next week. We understand that this is a huge letdown to the fans. Again, it will return next week, and stay away from Twitter to avoid spoilers.*

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. It would have been considerate of FOX to post a message at the bottom of the screen letting viewers know what was going on!! I don’t want to miss any Masked Singer episodes!

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