A wrench has been thrown in Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos’ celebration of becoming empty nesters. Did the couple have another child? Did they get a new pet? Did their son Joaquin return home? What happened that revoked their empty nester status?
Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos enjoyed being empty nesters
Becoming an empty nester is a bittersweet moment for parents. On one hand, parents finally get to live life for themselves. Suddenly, parents don’t have to share their significant other with their children. On the other hand, however, these parents also spent the last 18+ years caring and providing for their child(ren). So, it can be difficult for some parents to suddenly not have that extra responsibility.
[Kelly Ripa | Instagram]Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos were introduced to the empty nester lifestyle after their youngest son, Joaquin Consuelos, went off to college last year. Kelly Ripa openly boasted about how much she was enjoying being an empty nester as she no longer felt buried under things such as laundry and dishes.
Unfortunately, Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos only got to enjoy about a year of the empty nester life before their status was revoked.
Why was their empty nester status revoked?
On Wednesday’s episode of Late Night With Seth Meyers, Kelly Ripa opened up about her empty-nester status. Turns out, it was a very short-lived time for Kelly and her husband Mark. They were no longer alone in her household.
We were kind of empty nesters and then my mom had heart surgery. So now we’re living with my parents. And Mark’s like, ‘That didn’t take long.’ The nest is full again but with older people.”
[Kelly Ripa | Instagram]Kelly Ripa proceeded to joke that both her parents and Mark’s parents needed their support. She, however, added that their parents spaced out their surgeries because they were “thoughtful elderly people.”
She continued: “We love collectively all of our parents, and we appreciate that they fall apart in different stages. So it’s not like they’re all with us all at once. It’s like, first my mother-in-law will have surgery, then my father-in-law will have surgery, then my dad has surgery. They stagger the surgeries. They’re thoughtful elderly people.”
Last year, Kelly Ripa admitted to ET the best part of being an empty nester was the serious decline in laundry. She, however, admitted there was a lot of heartache in watching her children grow up and become independent.
She explained: “The worst part is… people would say to us, ‘Oh, don’t blink because they grow up before you know it, and they’ll be out of the house.’ And when you’re in it, you’re so tired, you’re so like, bone-tired in your bones that you can’t believe that’s true. But we did. We blinked, unfortunately, and now they are grown adults.”
Do you think it is sweet that Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark gave up their empty nester life to care for their parents? Let us know in the comments down below.