Dean Unglert Reveals Plans To Propose To Caelynn Miller-Keyes

Caelynn Miller-Keyes and Dean Unglert via YouTube

Bachelor in Paradise fan favorite couple may actually be getting closer to a big-time commitment. Dean Unglert has always said he wanted Caelynn Miller-Keyes to propose to him. She thinks they should propose to each other. It sounds like all their dreams are getting closer to becoming a reality. Keep reading to find out more.

Dean Unglert has plans to propose?

Bachelor Nation shared all the juicy details that have been spilled about Dean Unglert finally being ready to propose. It was revealed that in June of this year, the two were out looking at engagement rings.

Now, Dean admitted on a recent podcast that he already has a plan in place to propose to Caelynn. He didn’t share any huge details but he did say he knows when and where he is proposing. Plus he says he’s pretty sure he will pop the question before Caelynn. So, will it be soon?

A man and a woman in a car
Dean Unglert and Caelynn Miller-Keyes/Credit: Bachelor Nation YouTube

He also talked again about how he really feels about marriage. Dean said he knows how important marriage is to Caelynn even though it isn’t so much to him.

He said, “I’m already going to spend the rest of my life with her anyway. Do I want to get married? Not really, but if she wants it, why not just do it?”

Dean also expressed why he has negative feelings about marriage. He said, “My parents had a really poor marriage, especially when I was old enough to realize what was going on, so I never had a good example of what marriage looked like. I am also a contrarian to my core, and everyone expects you to get married just inherently makes me anti that idea.”

Caelynn Miller-Keyes and Dean Unglert via Instagram
Caelynn Miller-Keyes and Dean Unglert

What Caelynn has said about proposing to Dean

Caelynn admits that at first when Dean mentioned he wanted her to propose she thought he was kidding. Then, after she started thinking about it for a while she grew to love the idea.

She said, “Traditionally, he would propose to me, but that means it’d be an experience he doesn’t get. It would be a day that’s catered to him and he’d get that special moment where he’s really thought of. So I love the idea of planning a special moment that’s all about him. After I really thought about it, I am really into it. We’re in a partnership, we both should be proposed to!”

Dean Unglert and Caelynn Miller-Keyes
Instagram/Caelynn Miller-Keyes

So, nobody knows when either proposal is coming. However, it seems like Bachelor Nation won’t have to wait too much longer.

When do you think Dean and Caelynn will pop the question to each other?

Will they plan out a big wedding, get married in an intimate ceremony in Italy or fulfill Dean’s dream of eloping?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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