Jessa Seewald Catches Heat For Risking Fern’s Safety: See Photo

Jessa Seewald Instagram

Former Counting On star Jessa Seewald is under fire for her recent social media post. Fans are worried that the mom of four is risking her youngest child, Fern’s safety. Keep reading to check out the photo and see what fans have to say about it.

Jessa Seewald is no stranger to criticism.

Because she and her family are in the public eye, they get a lot of attention on social media and YouTube. While this has its benefits, there are also some downsides. One negative part of this is that she is sometimes criticized for the way she raises her children or lives her life.

Jessa Seewald Instagram

Sometimes, in response to the criticism, Jessa isn’t afraid to hold back and sets the record straight. In the past, fans have also commented on her family’s rumored drama, and she quickly shuts them down.

Now, Jessa Seewald is facing criticism once again, and this time, fans are concerned about her daughter, Fern’s safety. What did Jessa post that has fans so worked up?

Jessa Seewald Instagram
Jessa Seewald Instagram

Fans worry about Fern’s safety.

On Friday, Jessa Seewald posted a new photo on Instagram. In the photo, her one-year-old daughter, Fern, is sleeping in Ben and Jessa’s bed. Outside of the window, Ben can be seen eating at a picnic table with their three older children, Spurgeon, Henry, and Ivy.

In her lengthy caption, Jessa reflected on motherhood and said, “Sometimes I see a scene like this and it takes my breath away. These are the moments I dreamed of, and sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s a reality. I feel blessed beyond measure.”

This might seem like a rather harmless post.

Below, you can see the new photo Jessa Seewald posted of her daughter, Fern.

Jessa Seewald Instagram

On Reddit, Duggar fans and critics are discussing this new photo and pointing out everything that’s wrong with it. Many noticed the shelf above Fern’s head, which has a basket, a potted plant, an essential oil diffuser, and other items sitting on it. Fans worry that the shelf or the objects might fall off.

One Duggar Snarker says, “That shelf over the bed makes me nervous.”

Fans are also pointing out that Jessa isn’t following safe sleep guidelines. One fan writes, “There’s not one thing in that image that follows any kind of safe infant sleep recommendation, sooooo.”

Others argue that it’s okay if Fern is in her parents’ bed because she turned one last month. But others are still worried that she could fall out of bed or be seriously hurt if the shelf fell.

So, what do you think of Jessa Seewald’s new post? Are you concerned about Fern’s safety, or do you think fans are freaking out for no reason? Sound off in the comments section below, and come back to TV Shows Ace for more news about the Duggar family.

Aubrey Chorpenning


  1. People should learn to keep their parenting comments to themselves. It’s none of their business how she raises her children. I would love to scrutinize their lives ,( complainers) so I could point out every one of their flaws. The first bring sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.

  2. Every one’s got their panties in a wad. Make sure your own door steps are clean before you go sweeping others.

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