Meri Brown Shares Place Of Peace With Her Best Guy Friend

Meri Brown from TLC

Sister Wives star Meri Brown is trying her best to keep her head up. The past few years haven’t been easy, but she keeps finding reasons to get out of bed in the morning.

Lately, she’s been more than happy to share positive, uplifting messages on her Instagram page. And now, it seems like Meri is taking time to herself and focusing on exploring true happiness.

Keep reading to learn more about her latest adventure with a good friend.

Meri Brown spends some restful time in her happy place

Recently, Meri Brown shared that she’s ready for a new adventure. And it seems like her ambitions are taking her to the great outdoors.

Meri Brown/TLC

This week, Meri revealed she was spending some time in the mountains. She shared a very picturesque landscape to her Instagram stories. And it appears that she didn’t go alone.

“One of my most favorite things in the world to do is to spend time as close to the top of it as I can. Find me in the mountains, and find me at the place I feel the most peace,” the TLC personality shared on her Instagram page. Spent the day with my good friend @blairmichael12 who loves the mountains almost as much as I do 😉, as far up as 12,000 feet, doing a little hiking, a lot of taking in the amazing sights and sounds of the Southern Utah mountains, and yes, even building a little baby snowman, because why wouldn’t you do that in June?! 😁☃️ Always an adventure living my best life!!”

The Sister Wives star shared a series of fun photos alongside the post, including ones of her and Blair.

Meri Brown/Instagram

Most of the commenters said they were happy that Meri was following her passions and exploring nature. Others said it was a shame that Kody didn’t want to come along.

But at the end of the day, no one is really surprised. Kody and Meri Brown haven’t had a happy relationship in years.

What will the Brown family say about Netflix’s new polygamist doc?

There’s been a pretty massive breakdown in the Brown family for years. But the members of the Brown family will probably be in agreement about Netflix’s newest documentary about polygamy.

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey follows the story of the FLDS and Warren Jeffs’ reign of terror in the sect. On Sister Wives, Meri and the rest of the Brown family have adamantly said that they do not agree with the FLDS’s teachings or lifestyle. But the Brown family also says that members of the general public can’t seem to distinguish between the consentual polygamist lifestyle on Sister Wives and the abusive ways of the FLDS.

It’s smart that Netflix is trying to spread awareness about Warren Jeffs’ cult, but the Browns may face some new criticism because of it.

If you love learning about Sister Wives and Meri Brown, keep following TV Shows Ace online to keep up with the latest information.

Nikole Behrens
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