Is Meri Brown A Narcissist? Reddit Users Can’t Seem To Agree

Meri Brown from TLC

Sister Wives fans generally didn’t mind Meri Brown when Season 1 first aired. But over the years, fans have grown weary of her “woe is me” attitude and selfish tendencies. But could she really be considered a narcissist?

That’s what some Reddit users believe anyway. Keep reading to learn more about the ongoing discussion about Kody Brown’s first wife.

Reddit users can’t see eye to eye on labeling Meri Brown as a “narcissist”

Meri Brown can definitely be selfish at times, but is “narcissist” really a proper label? Reddit is divided here.

“Meri is a true narcissist!” one Reddit user argues. “She wants to take Sol to Utah to appease Mariah. Sobyn says no and Meri totally makes it about her. She doesn’t listen to the reason, she storms out because she didn’t get what she wanted. They offer up Brianna as a sub and she has to ‘adjust’ out of the mindset of manipulating Mariah. Also her frog in the boiling water story is disturbing.”

However, many other Reddit users really disagreed with the OP. Sure, Meri Brown has her faults. But they just don’t believe that the term “narcissist” really applies here.

Meri Brown/TLC

“Can we stop using terms like narcissist?” another Reddit user chimed in. “Especially when someone’s self involved? People keep tossing words around willy nilly. She’s not a narcissist. She’s very immature, granted, but I don’t think she is a narcissist. All of the wives are pretty damn toxic, and you can argue the same thing for say, even Janelle. But none of them are arguably narcissistic. And like the other user said, the frig boiling thing isn’t something she came up with herself. It’s a parable.”

“Being raised in strict polygamy will almost guarantee that a woman will be immature. All four of them are immature in different ways,” someone else pointed out.

So what do you think? Is Meri Brown narcissistic or is she just a product of her upbringing? Be sure to leave your own thoughts in the comments.

Is the first sister-wife living a sad life?

At the end of the day, it appears that most Sister Wives viewers actually feel pretty bad for Meri Brown. She can definitely be self-centered, but many fans believe that it’s all part of her polygamist upbringing. She was raised to believe that it’s better to be a sister-wife in a loveless marriage than off on her own.

In a new Instagram post, Meri wrote about being her own caretaker. She meant for the post to be brave and uplifting, but most readers agreed that it just sounded sad.

Meri Brown/Instagram

Most people think she would be better off without Kody Brown, but she just won’t leave him.

Love learning about Meri Brown and the rest of the Sister Wives family? You absolutely have to keep following TV Shows Ace online so that you never miss a single second of news.

Stay tuned for more information.

Nikole Behrens
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