Isabel Roloff Getting Pregnant Again For The Wrong Reason?

Isabel Roloff - Instagram

Is Isabel Roloff planning to get pregnant with baby #2 for the wrong reason? Jacob Roloff’s wife has been sharing a lot of photos of herself during her pregnancy with Mateo. The first-time mother has been very candid about how much she loved pregnancy. Being pregnant with Mateo, giving birth, and breastfeeding gave her a whole new perspective and a new appreciation for her body. She admits she was blown away to learn what her body was capable of.

During her most recent Instagram post, however, she admitted that she’s already thinking about getting pregnant again. LPBW fans, however, can’t help but wonder if it is for the right reason

Isabel Roloff Instagram
Isabel Roloff Instagram


Why does Isabel Roloff want to get pregnant again?

There is no denying Isabel Roloff loves being a mother. Fans also agree becoming a father looks great on Jacob Roloff. Isabel Roloff, however, seemed to express during her recent Instagram post that she wanted to get pregnant again because of how much she enjoyed the experience of being pregnant.

Unsurprisingly, this has caused some concern about LPBW fans. Being pregnant with a small child is incredibly difficult compared to being pregnant with no children. Likewise, having more than one child can be challenging too.

Isabel Roloff Instagram
Isabel Roloff Instagram

Isabel Roloff has already closed up her art shop after revealing it was too much work to manage the shop and Mateo. Managing things only becomes more difficult when another child is added to the mix.

Is Isabel Roloff interested in getting pregnant again because of how much she loves Mateo? Or, is her interest in pregnancy simply because she enjoyed being pregnant?

Looking for the right time, not happening soon

Isabel Roloff did clarify she was thinking about going through pregnancy again “someday.” She proceeded to add that it wasn’t something she planned to do “any time soon.” Seeking the advice of her followers with more than one child, Isabel Roloff asks what was the ideal time gap between children. Unsurprisingly, her followers had all sorts of advice for her. The overwhelming majority, however, seemed to agree that anywhere from a two to three-year gap seemed to be the sweet spot.

Isabel Roloff Instagram

Some fans noted that a three to four-year gap allows parents to get to a place where they aren’t so worried about the older child being too rough with the new baby.

Isabel Roloff admits she understands there are a lot of pros and cons. She added that the massive age gap between her own siblings made her feel like an only child. A friendship, however, did bloom later in life for her. So, she knows everything works out regardless of what path she takes.

Allie Johnson

One Comment

  1. MAFS!
    ALYSSA, LINDSEY, JAZMEENA.!! MY GOD! Wow! Jazmeena come on now peeps, she’s creating arguments that aren’t even relevant, making the worst accusations towards Mike about being aggressive and him carrying a tone!?!? FIRST OFF SHES DELUSIONAL OR the real reason is that’s her mechanism to not be forced to engage in a friendly conversation because she ain’t interested! And if she’s nice to him, he may try to feel comfortable in getting closer and wanting to be more intimate. She doesn’t want to encourage any of that behavior because she’s not attracted to him. SO TELL ME WHY does she feel better constantly nagging him and making false accusations instead of just WALKING AWAY??? WHY ? CUZ SHE WONT HAVE A STORY ON THE SHOW? PLEASE girl, leave that man alone and let him move on. It’s obvious you have no desire to make anything work.
    ALYSSA you are a puke!!! Lol you lie , lie, lie on national TV like no one can hear your whiney pathetic voice. Talking so bad about Chris that’s not true! You should be ashamed of yourself! Eeeew, if I was on that show I probably would have had people pulling me off of you. Lindsey youre too too too way too much!!!! These 3 chick’s have got to be the most annoying, irritating, acting like their some goddess, princess , im better than you stank attitude broads I just can not stand to watch!!!! THEY GET ON MY LAST NERVE!!! WHEN IS MIKE GOING TO SAY ENOUGH!!! ENOUGH OF YOUR B.S ACCUSATIONS JAZMEENA !!! PISS OR GET OFF THE POT GIRL! THEY JUST WANT AIR TIME! WHY do you think asshole I mean alyssa wanted to live in the house ? Even AFTER she made those false and very derogatory accusations about Chris being aggressive??? AIR TIME!!! HE COULDNT BE THAT AGGRESSIVE FOR HER TO STILL WANT TO MOVE IN? GAMES THESE BROADS PLAY AND THEN MEN THEY ARE PROJECTING IT TO IS DESPICABLE!!! SHAMEFUL. !!! HEY GUYS TELL THESE CHICKS BYE FALEEEEESHA….

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