Would Susie Evans Accept Proposal From Clayton Echard Today?

Susie Evans and Clayton Echard via YouTube

The Bachelor Clayton Echard and Susie Evans had a bumpy start to their relationship. He received backlash when he raised his voice to Susie after she said his intimacy with other women was a dealbreaker. He ultimately sent her away. He then changed his mind and asked her back. Then, in a Bachelor first, Susie rejected his final rose and walked away from him. Clayton left Iceland a single man. Now that they are back together and say they are in love, would Susie accept a proposal from him?

Would Susie Evans accept Clayton’s proposal today?

Entertainment Tonight shared what Susie had to say about Clayton and if she would accept a proposal. Fans and Susie were worried when Clayton acted like he was grabbing a ring on the After the Final Rose special. He didn’t. Turns out he was grabbing a rose to finally once again offer his final rose to Susie.

What would Susie do if he had proposed? Susie said she would have said no. Plus, she would still say no today. She said, “We have a lot to learn about each other, and we have a lot to learn about ourselves still. I think we both are still growing and learning from this.”

She went on to say they are doing point checks. For example, her lease is up in September so they can decide if they are still in love and compatible.

What happens in September?

Well, it appears a proposal in September is still not likely. Susie said,  “Neither of us is just dating for fun, to have a chill relationship for a couple of years. We’re like, ‘Let’s see if this could work. Let’s talk realistically about this.’ I don’t plan to get engaged in September, if that’s what you mean.” She continued, “Clayton knows that. Tonight when they joked about the ring, we’ve talked about this, I’ve told Clayton, ‘If you surprise me, I will say no. This is not a fun surprise.’ We can obviously laugh about it now, but that is not something that we’re talking about.”

Clayton admitted he sold his condo before he left to film The Bachelor. He wanted to be sure he was giving whoever he ended up with a fair chance to make their relationship work.

So, Clayton is moving in with Susie in Virginia. The two are there now and in about a month they will go to Arizona to get the rest of Clayton’s belongings.

They believe living under the same roof is the best chance to make their relationship work outside of the show.

Do you think Susie and Clayton can make their love work long-term?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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