‘Sister Wives:’ Kody Brown Throws Tantrum, Done With Christine

kody brown - christine brown

During Part 3 of the Sister Wives: Tell-All fans will see Sukyana Krishnan get Kody Brown so flustered that he leans in and throws a bit of a tantrum. The TLC personality proceeds to shut down the conversation noting he’s DONE with Christine.

kody brown


Kody Brown becomes hostile with Sukyana Krishnan — again

During the first part of the Sister Wives: Tell-All, Kody Brown became very defensive when Sukyana pointed out that he had abandoned his wife Meri. He was quick to jump down her throat nothing that he never abandoned Meri or any of his other wives. Kody become hostile and aggressive as he exclaimed he didn’t like the word abandoned and she could take the word back.


During Part 3 of the Sister Wives: Tell-All — which airs this weekend — Kody becomes aggressive with the host once more. This time, he shuts down the conversation completely.

In an exclusive preview for the final episode of this season of Sister Wives, fans watch as Kody becomes so flustered with the host he shuts down the conversation completely.

Throws tantrum, finished talking about Christine Brown

Throwing a bit of a tantrum, Kody Brown becomes frustrated with Sukyana continuing to focus the conversation on his broken relationship with Christine. He begins to stumble over his words and he realizes that his story is not matching up with anything Christine has told her. Kody insists there are always going to be two versions of the story and they would be there forever trying to get to the root of what actually transpired.

As the conversation continues, Kody Brown becomes increasingly frustrated. He clears his throat, leans in, and tells Sukyana that he is DONE with the topic of Christine Brown. They broke up. They are no longer together. In his eyes, she’s abandoned the family. Kody Brown is no longer interested in discussing anything that has to do with his failed relationship with Christine. So, he shuts the conversation down. Throwing a bit of a tantrum saying he won’t discuss Christine anymore.

christine brown - kody brown
christine brown – kody brown

Sadly, the preview clip ends after this moment. So, we aren’t really sure if she continues to dig into the topic of Christine or if she switches gears at his request. Fortunately, we will find out what happens in just a few days when the final part of the Sister Wives: Tell-All airs on television.

Do you think it felt like Kody Brown threw a tantrum and announced he was done with Christine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Allie Johnson


  1. Kody is a narcissistic loser who is freaking out because he’s lost the respect, adoration and control of Christine and Janelle. His flaws are being openly revealed and he now stands bare with no way back in. The Emperor has no clothes!

    This man is a disgusting example of manhood. Not even close to being a man of honesty, integrity, hard work and good character. He’s a failure who needs his wives to cover for him.

    Game over Kody. And..do something with that mop on your head. You’re not 25 anymore.

  2. He is getting a good dose of Karma and it is just the beginning of his treatment to the wives and his own children. What a hot head he got to be when poor Gabe was frustrated over the Covid. Then, sadly when Ysabel was crying over him not being at the hospital for her. Oh I could write a book about the type of person he is. The type is in no way a man whatsoever. Then “Goldilocks” needs to find a haircut suitable for his age. My gosh, just shave your head dude! I think your demeanor has lost it’s loving feeling and when they are all fed up and gone, maybe he and Robyn will be so happy with their accomplishments. I don’t think anyone would want him after he has shown his true colors. Anyone besides Robyn is insane to take up with the likes of his deranged mind.

  3. Kody is a BULLY. He has bullied his wives all these years but now Christine has embarrassed him by leaving him. Good for her.Kody is a disgusting shrimp of a little man who loves humiliating women. Deep down he most probably hates all women.
    And he needs to cut that nasty mop of hair. It looks dirty & greasy, like it hasn’t been washed in weeks.

    1. 😅😅 the small man ‘ bully’ walk kills me! Reminds me of a small hitler stomp march. Going from house to house, like; this one needs me. No this one wants me more…and flipping that ugly permed hair.

  4. Kody is always throwing a temper tantrum. If its not him its Drama Queen, cry baby Robyn. Kody is a narcissistic, bulling lover and can’t handle that all his lies and manipulations are being exposed. TLC really needs to cancel the Sister Wives show instead of keeping it going and rewarding this maniac and his #1 wife Robyn.

      1. Kody wants everyone to believe the women are the problems ,but we see him exactly as he is ,a scumbag who abuses his kids and lies on they’re mom’s to avoid being held responsible
        And news Flash :Christine has already told him to go to hell ,she dumped your trifling ass Kody and good for her you deadbeat,plus now your kids see you for your pass the buck double standards,where you prefer one kid over another, coward

  5. He spends zero time with his children and never sees his grandchildren. They won’t know him. What’s the purpose of this big family if there are no relationships…..and God forbid you disagree with him. No one feels special. Very sad…

  6. Sukanya is obviously biased, and the interview, along with this article, is very one sided. If you’re going to criticize Kody, criticize Christine as well.

    1. Why? Just because you say so?
      You want to level the playing field and have us all criticize Christine when she has lived under tyranny and his abuse for years. No! Kody does NOT get a free pass. No matter what you say that man deserves to lose every one of those wives. They are victims and so is all the children. Anyone who watches this show knows he is totally abusive and selfish.

    1. I agree with you 100%!!!Maybe they will take Kodi off the air
      …or at least put him on Saturdays along with all the other cartoons!!!

  7. Lol..she abandoned the family….we did your other 2 wives with more children an they are working nannies? Robin got one for what reason? He looks like an ass an its funny. Robin an Cody are the ones that tore this family apart. Janelle needs to leave him now.

  8. I’ve watched this hot mess for a long time. This was a see me now, see me later event. It’s so obvious that he wants 3 of his 4 wives to hit the road and take “Their” kids with them! Kody, you are a big, foolish jerk!

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