Jen Arnold & Bill Klein Divorce Rumors Swirl

Jen Arnold And Bill YouTube

Turns out, there’s a nasty rumor going around that Jen Arnold and Bill Klein of The Little Couple are getting a divorce. This rumor grew legs over the past few days when fans learned the family had decided to pick up and move to Boston. Some speculated Jen and Bill were separating and that was the real reason behind the decision to move. Is there any glimmer of truth to this divorce rumor or is someone just trying to stir the TLC drama pot? Fortunately, we’ve got all the details.

Jen Arnold, Bill Klein Divorce Rumors: TLC Star Clears Air

As we previously reported, Jen Arnold took to Instagram yesterday to reveal she was being hospitalized for surgery. She explained that her hip replacement from over 20 years ago had finally failed. And, she was in immediate need of hip revision surgery. Jen admitted to The Little Couple fans she knew there was a pretty good chance this would happen at some point in time. The timing, however, couldn’t be more inconvenient as the couple had just picked up the family and moved to Boston.

The Little Couple Bill Klein - Jen Arnold - Youtube
The Little Couple Bill Klein – Jen Arnold – Youtube

At the very beginning of her Instagram video, she noted that she needed to clear the air on something. It was brought to her attention that there were some rumors going around about her relationship with Bill Klein. These rumors claimed she and Bill were having marital issues and getting divorced. She was quick to clear the air reassuring her followers there were no such issues to speak of. Jen Arnold insisted she and Bill were more than ok. There was no divorce or separation to speak of. She was a bit baffled as to where these rumors might be coming from.

She Goes Under The Knife Today

Jen Arnold posted updates on her Instagram profile a few different times. Through these updates, we know she spent the last couple of days prepping her household and her family for her surgery. She made sure to spend some time with everyone in a pre-surgery ritual of her own creation. And, she snuggled up with her husband Bill for a pre-surgery selfie.

In the comments of her post, there wasn’t a single fan who mentioned the rumors about her relationship with Bill. They were all just focused on wishing her good luck with her surgery.

jennifer arnold instagram

Did you catch wind of the rumors saying Jen and Bill were getting divorced? Did you believe them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for the latest.

Allie Johnson

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