Amy King Reflects On ‘Being Attacked Online,’ Fires Shots At Katie Joy?

Amy King Instagram, WOACB YouTube

For weeks, Duggar cousin Amy King and blogger Katie Joy of Without a Crystal Ball have found themselves in some drama online. While the two women used to get along well, something changed. Amy claimed that Katie made accusations against her mother, Deanna Duggar. They went back and forth online, each sharing their side of the story.

Now, it looks like things have settled down, but Amy may not be over their online feud just yet.

Amy King hasn’t had the easiest time on social media lately. She recently decided to leave Twitter amid all of the criticism she received over one of her tweets. Now, she’s still active on Instagram and appears to be using her platform to speak her mind and attempt to inspire her many followers.

Amy King Instagram

In a new Instagram post this week, Amy King opened up about her feelings and reflected about “being attacked online.” Based on what she’s shared, it seems possible that her recent post is directed at Katie Joy, especially with their recent drama in mind.

Is Amy King firing shots at Katie Joy?

In her post, Amy wrote, “Are you being attacked by someone’s opinion of you? Maybe your kids are experiencing a hard time at school? Maybe the cool stay at home mom group still act like the immature mean girls from high school.”

Then, she continued, “Maybe someone is jealous of you or bitter about what has happened in their lives and they never healed from trauma so they are just taking it out on you? Maybe you’re being attacked online? Chat rooms, Reddit, YouTube are all places where people can spread absurd lies and rumors and it just spreads like a wildfire. Maybe you are being judged at your church, at your job? the gym?”

Finally, the Duggar cousin closed her social media post with a Bible verse. Isaiah 54:17 reads, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” She also added an explanation of the verse.

Amy King Instagram

It’s possible that Amy’s disagreement with Katie prompted her to post this. Perhaps she’s referencing Katie’s social media posts about her when she’s mentioning “being attacked online.”

Because Amy doesn’t name any names in this post, there’s no way to know for sure who she’s talking about. But it looks like her followers agree that this could be directed at Katie. One fan writes, “Speak your truth don’t let that YouTube bully get you down.”

So, do you think that Amy King’s latest post is directed at Katie Joy? What do you think of her reflection and inspirational message to fans? Let us know in the comments section below. For more news about the Duggars, come back to TV Shows Ace.

Aubrey Chorpenning

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