Amber Johnston Says Goodbye To Son, Will Meet Again One Day

amber johnston - youtube

This week was emotional for Amber Johnston and her family as she was forced to say goodbye to her son. She, however, was quick to clarify that her heartfelt goodbye to this charming young man was hardly a goodbye at all. In fact, she reassured she planned to meet him again one day.

Amber’s heartfelt goodbye to her son follows behind her daughter Emma’s emotional goodbye to her brother. Who is leaving and what did the family have to say in their goodbye messages?

Credit: 7 Little Johnstons/Instagram
Credit: 7 Little Johnstons/Instagram

Who did Amber and Emma Johnston say goodbye to?

Joose Jeskanen is the name of the charming young man Amber and Trent Johnston welcomed into their home. He quickly found his way into their hearts as their son. And, he quickly found his way into the hearts of their children as a brother from another mother. Fans took notice of how close Emma and Joose Jeskanen became during the few months he was with them.

Unfortunately, as a foreign exchange student, his time with the family was limited. The 7 Little Johnstons family were forced to say goodbye to this young man a few days ago. Both Emma and Amber posted heartfelt tributes to the young man as they said their goodbyes to him.

Credit: 7 Little Johnstons/Instagram
Credit: 7 Little Johnstons/Instagram

Amber penned in a caption surrounded by yellow hearts: “It’s not a Goodbye, but rather see you Soon.”

Emma Johnston’s goodbye to the young man was far more emotional as she admits he quickly became her best friend.

i can’t believe my best friend is leaving to go back to the lovely family he has. these past 3 months have been a great ride and definitely will do it again (future).”

Both Emma and her mother promise it is far from a goodbye as they plan to see him again one day.

amber johnston - instagram

7 Little Johnstons fans react to emotional goodbye

On Amber’s goodbye to her son, 7 Little Johnstons fans admit they were pretty bummed. They fell in love with this young man. And, they didn’t want to say goodbye.

“I absolutely fell in love with him on the latest episode! His parents have raised an amazing young man.” One sad fan penned.

Another chimed in: “Oh no! I hope we get to see him on future episodes, it was so cute seeing y’all ‘meet’ him!”

Amber Johnston’s goodbye post included several photos of the family taking him to the airport and seeing him off. Both the family and fans were sad to see him go.

7 Little Johnstons/Instagram
7 Little Johnstons/Instagram

Are you bummed the 7 Little Johnstons family had to say goodbye to Joose JeskanenDo you think he enjoyed his time staying with this reality TV family? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on Amber Johnston and her family.


Allie Johnson


  1. Only the dead who are on Yah JESUS’S list,will meet up with those who are alive on Yah JESUS’S list. Get Jesus so you won’t Go wrong .

    1. No one is even dead.

      Did you even read the article or just rush to write some religious gobbledygook?

      You aren’t converting anyone with that.

      1. What the hell you talking about they gone you can’t see them you are dumb ass peoson to see that they are heartbroken thing before you say something dumb like say that help everyone

  2. Talk about being a hypocrite. All the years of “Jesus said” etc. you didn’t mean any of it! To talk to your eldest daughter about your wanting to leave your husband is terrible. You thought she was too young to text a boy but you look to her for support. Shame on you ! Disgusting!!!!

  3. Why are people so harsh you can have a connection to someone that has stayed in your house for a long time that has never been away from there family and can have a connection like there your family and saying bye we will meet again they have Jesus in there life’s has nothing to do with dying Amber I understand totally how much you can miss this fine young man who became part of your family so fast.My heart is with y’all I love all your family.Kay Wallace

  4. yall need to stop being in hurry to condemn judge or whatever hateful words your so eager to use. where’s the love ! yall claim to love Jesus but yet yall can’t show love he was all bout love forgiving kind excepting everyone bc Noone is better than other. we’re all equal. and this family can’t help if they were shorted on many aspects. but they put themselves out there and not let their lpbw dwarfism effect their lives. they go on living just as we all do. their great full to be alive. In all I hear read I think it only be fair to start teaching a class for small people. and name it “little things matter” help them wherever I can. so yall ungrateful ppl out there God be with you in finding your place in life bc sounds like yall weren’t educated on loving others as God loves us it’s not how Jesus would of treated anyone ever. so extract rafter out your eye b4 trying do to others…their on national TV your not! so who is more successful. ?Hate gets you nowhere!!

  5. I just wish the bottom one would go away. Just an obnoxious, rude human. She does not belong on the page with the others..

  6. I don’t think watching an edited 60 minute entertainment version of a family’s life each week gives any of us the right to judge these people.Surely you all realize many scenes are staged by the production people for entertainment purposes. Leave these people alone. How would your family come out on a show like this?

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