Jazz Jennings Gains Weight, Family Horrified

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Jazz Jennings slips the wrong direction and gains weight during tonight’s episode. Unfortunately, the young TLC star is completely surrounded by the women of her family when she realizes she’s gained weight. How does this weight gain make her feel? How did her family react to the weight gain? Keep reading for all the details and spoilers.

Warning: Spoilers from tonight’s episode of I Am Jazz

Jazz Jennings gains weight, seeks a nutritionist

Jazz Jennings makes the decision to seek the help of a nutritionist. All of the women in the TLC star’s family decided to come with her to go to the appointment. Jazz thought it would be great to have a support system with her. And, she’s realizing her family might just benefit from seeing a nutritionist too. During the appointment, Jazz’s mother admits she has her own issues as she steps onto a scale every time she goes in the bathroom.

I am jazz - Jazz jennings
I Am Jazz – YouTube

At the beginning of the appointment, the nutritionist wanted Jazz to weigh in. I Am Jazz fans recall the last time she stepped on a scale she weighed 234. Jazz admits she desperately hopes her weight has gone down since then. She adds that she’ll be devastated if she learns she’s even gained just a couple of pounds.

Stepping on the scale, Jazz Jennings becomes gutted when the display reads 239. This means she has gained weight. It was just five pounds, but it meant she was moving in the wrong direction despite her interest in getting serious about shedding the weight.

Her family was devastated

Jazz’s mother and grandmother were horrified to learn the TLC star had put on weight. Her mother couldn’t believe she was moving in the wrong direction with her weight. The family continued to pummel Jazz about her weight when they gathered for a family dinner. Her support system quickly turned into something very different.

During dinner, Jazz Jennings asked her family if they could discuss something other than her weight for a little while.

I am Jazz - Jazz jennings - sander jennings
I am Jazz – YouTube

Were you surprised Jazz Jennings gained weight during tonight’s episode? Do you understand why her family got so upset with her? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on I Am Jazz.

I Am Jazz Season 7, Episode 3 titled “Breaking The Cycle” is available for streaming via Discovery+. Or, you can tune in to watch the new episode tonight only on TLC.

Allie Johnson

One Comment

  1. The very worst “helpful” remarks her family can do is rag on Jazz about her weigh, she knows she’s overweitht . She doesn’t need a constant reminder about it. Jazz could very well say to hell with it….I’m fat anyway so I may as well go all the way and enjoy my food…..Family butt out and shut up!!


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