Is Kody Brown Not Allowed To See Maddie & His Grandchildren?

Sister Wives maddie Brown brush Kody Brown Youtube

Kody Brown’s wives Janelle and Christine frequently make trips to visit the older children within their family true including Maddie Brush and her two children. Kody Brown, however, never seems to tag along on these trips. And, Sister Wives fans have noticed. According to Screen Rant, some fans are flat out wondering if Kody Brown just refuses to have any sort of relationship with his daughter Maddie.

Is he being petty because Maddie fled the polygamous lifestyle to start a family with her husband Caleb? Is he angry that Maddie and Caleb refused to be a part of the TLC series? Or, is it possible that Maddie and Caleb don’t allow Kody to be a part of their lives? Sister Wives fans have a lot of theories on what might be true.

Maddie Brown Brush Instagram
Maddie Brown Brush Instagram

Kody Brown hasn’t seen his grandchildren in a while

According to Screen Rant, Maddie Brown Brush pointed out that her father has not been to visit her and her children in a while. Some Sister Wives fans can’t help but wonder if Kody Brown has any type of relationship with Maddie and his grandchildren at this point.

Fans know things are pretty tense within the family right now as the relationship between Christine and Kody finally breaks. Moreover, fans question if Kody plays any role in his children’s lives beyond helping create them. Most fans assume Kody really only plays a role in helping care for Robyn’s children because that’s where he spends all of his time.

Sister Wives Youtube
Sister Wives Youtube

Maddie Brown Brush has a huge following

Maddie and Caleb Brush decided not to be a part of the TLC series. They, however, have been featured on the show several times. Their inconsistent appearances on the show haven’t stopped them from accumulating a pretty big following.

Presently, Maddie has just shy of 400,000 followers. This means she has four times as many followers as her father. Despite not regularly participating in the show, Maddie does a pretty incredible job of detailing her life and the life of her children on Instagram. And, Sister Wives fans are especially interested in her children because of their health issues.

More recently, Maddie has been documenting their journey as they purchased a new home and began an extensive amount of remodeling on it to turn it into their perfect home.

Sister wives Kody brown Youtube

Is Kody Brown not allowed to visit Maddie?

Some Sister Wives fans speculate Kody Brown’s wives aren’t exactly huge fans of him these days. So, it is possible Janelle Brown simply didn’t want her husband to come with her on the trips to see Maddie. Perhaps Janelle is just as frustrated with her husband these days and she visits Maddie partially to get away from him.

Why do you think Maddie and her father Kody Brown have no relationship? How often do you think he actually sees his grandchildren? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on the Sister Wives family.

Allie Johnson


  1. Before the Knives Comes out Kody Chosen to know to Vist Maddie & her Crew Only because he’s Psyche about Covid Anyone who watches the show should know that

    1. I hope your comment was ravaged by auto correct! Please say Americans a few at least are literate……… 😬

  2. I believe Kody is the family’s problem and using COVID19 as an excuse. The wives have financially supported majority of the expenses and have worked very hard for their families. Recent episode when Janelles son said he’d wait and see if his father’s refusal to visit (which is why he he has to stay in home’s apartment) is in fact because of covid or excuse to stay with one specific wife. Christine leaving was the best she could do for herself and her immediate family. I wish her nothing but happiness which she hasn’t had in many years.
    Maybe, the other wives (Mary and Janelle) should consider Christine’s lead because in this marriage there is no mutual respect, COMPROMISE (Kody’s way or highway), no genuine physical affection or love and I question if Kody understands the true meaning of the word LOVE.
    I’ve watched the show from the beginning to try to understand the life style with an open mind. But this season is the worst and reading different articles online it will probably be my last. These relationships are about Kody’s ego and his need to control. The above statement is based solely on my opinion and what I believe so speaking of beliefs hopefully they will be respected should there be a response.

    1. I agree totally with your comment. I wonder why his church is not getting involved with his behavior of the wives and children. I know they have rules and verbal and mental abuse is not one of them. They should dismisses him from the church and the show should too. Center it around the wives and children. No Robin either. Christine in my opinion is the real hero of the show. She made the right choice for her and her family and gave herself freedom from his toxic rules life whatever! Let Meri and Robin share in the glory of living with a asshole.

      1. They left the church. They were kicked out. Christine talks about that’s why she doesn’t need the church to tell her if she’s divorced.

  3. Hurray Christine. Meri has had one foot out the door for years now. Kody treated her horribly long before the catfish scheme. Just go already. Poor Janell will hang in there because she probably doesn’t think she can do better.Robin is a snake.

    1. Meri won’t leave because of her family history – GENERATIONS, her family, friends, faith, beliefs, Church & ENTIRE SUPPORT SYSTEM is Poligamy. Her family is who got Cody to join Polygamy. They are brainwashed with it. Meri can’t have anymore children. In this faith you are put out to pasture once your fertility goes. She has nothing to bring to a new marriage but finances and to help raise their kids. she would be the basement wife. Each wife of Cody’s was put out to pasture as each lost their fertility. Robyn is now 43. ☺😬
      No one really puts enough thought into how MASSIVE their religion plays into their thinking, their marriages, their overall family function. Cody’s ENTIRE LIFE he was raised DEEP ENGRAINED IN THE MORMON FAITH. Mormon men are in charge of their wives spirits and getting into heaven. Mormon women are raised JUST AS RADICAL AS THE DUGGARS. They are in a cult. TLC doesn’t allow them to voice thatch about their faith so you don’t see how much of a MASSIVE part of their life it plays.
      Meri’s family & Christine’s families are HUGE influential members of the Polygamy faith and come from the same clan. They go back to the 1800’s. So Meri’s family bringing in Cody was a huge deal. It made Cody really someone. Cody’s ego made him feel he was special but now his head was 10 times bigger. In order for him to get to heaven and have his own Kingdom he MUST have 4 wives. Christine leaving threatens him & Robin’s Eternal plan 🤣. Jenelle was added to Meri & Cody because she was married to Meri’s brother. She was easy pickings and he climbed the ladder instantly by taking her. She already fit with their larger family and he knew they got along and she wasn’t high maintenance. She was a hard worker and would go along to get along. Christine was added because of who her family was, she was shy and dedicated to polygamy and gave Cody even MORE RECOGNITION amongst Polygamist & Apostolic United Brethren (AUB). Christine’s Grandpa is Rulon Allred the Prophet, Leader & First Counselor to the President of the Priesthood of “The Allred Group” aka The AUB. Cody thought she would NEVER LEAVE because of her background. Now you take Robin from The Jessop Clan FLDS. Cody had one wife, or 2, from each sect group. In his inner circle he thought he was the shyt. He thinks he is such a catch & a stud every woman MUST want him! Duh!?!? 🤢🤢🤢 He was young, great looking, being supported by his Harem he collected from every sect and is FOR SURE going to have his own Kingdom in Heaven – I mean c’mon all his wives were children of Prophets! The husband is the gate keeper in polygamy and it’s through their husband’s they get to heaven. Cody is their God essentially. You don’t question God, Betray God, or Anger God. The women’s job is to do what he says, keep sweet & Allow your husband to Guide you because he knows best. 🙄 This is why his EGO is so bruised and “betrayed”. Now “God” can’t have his own Kingdom & NONE of his wives or their children! So Robin’s anger is from her Polygamist Indoctrination that’s causing her, Meri & Cody to flip. It’s a “Waste” be cause 30yrs for nothing & NO CELESTIAL KINGDOM FOR ANY OF THEM!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      1. That explains why Kody goes b*tsheet on a video preview I just saw on Christine’s porch, where he yells that it’s all been “a waste” & how he’s “sacrificed so much.” It was one of the most appalling spectacles I’ve seen on any tv show, quite the little performance. Very bizarre. His ego is so huge.

      1. That would explain why Robin SAYS she wants to be a sister wife, but isn’t telling Kody to go over to the other houses….she let’s him hang at her place 24/7 and wonders why everyone is blaming her.

  4. This show is finslly showing that this BULLSHIT polygamist life style DOES NOT WORK . Quit filming this bogas bullshit show. There is nothing left to tell about their lifestyle because there is no lifestyle.Robyn and Kody are fuking lazy losers that expect the others to pay their living expenses. Stop the show!!!

  5. How, in heaven name, did he convince FOUR women to marry him? He’s arrogant, narcissistic, domineering and misogynistic! And that HAIR!! Does he not own a mirror? He looks hideous! Run,ladies,run!!!

  6. Robyn stays obedient as her youngster daughter would never handle not seeing her daddy. Robyn was divorced with 3 children she knows life of allot harder raising children as a single parent

  7. Christine is the hero of the season! She blew Kodys mentally unstable mind and ego. She thriving in happiness and love from her family and fans. Rock on Christine your journey has just begun. As for Robin(cry baby) Your master plan failed. She never expected Christine to leave and her job just got harder to support Kody who is messed up from it. Finally, someone (Christine) hurt him for a change and he wasn’t prepared for it and doesn’t like it. Let Robin pick up the pieces this is what she wanted for all three of them. Meri isn’t going anywhere! She will be the monkey on Robins back for the rest of their lives. Robin better invest in Kleenex the rest of her life to because the crying will never stop. She walked into one bad marriage to another. Couldn’t happen to a better monster.

  8. Kody had better start paying attention to his older kids and grandkids. Just watch, as he gets older, feeble minded, needing help from the older kids, Kody will try to show attention, and how much he loves all of them. I pray those young men & women be careful. Kody will be begging for help from all the older kids.

  9. Cody’s rules for the Covid-19 was stupid, he could go from house to house and not care. I do not like him at all. He thinks the kids should be out of the house by the time they’re 18 so he can be the center of his wives lives. I like what Janelle said, her kid’s comes first. Hooray for Christine for leaving him.

  10. I love the fact that Christine started thinking about herself, and moved to Utah! Life is too short to be unhappy. Live, Love and be happy Christine. I really wish Janelle would do the same thing. I know it’s hard to be strong when you’re pouring you’re strength into someone else. (KODY) RUN Janelle RUN!!

  11. It’s ridiculous to suggest Maddie and Caleb won’t see him – it’s clear how much they all love each other. The fact is that Kody’s main preoccupation in life is admiring himself in the mirror, leaving him little time to travel for visits…

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