Friday’s ‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Nik Moves Forward, But Ava’s Anxious
General Hospital spoilers for Friday’s episode tease fresh developments involving Nikolas and Ava. They both are dealing with some heavy stuff and fans have a hunch it might all intersect soon.
Nikolas Is Ready To Take Action
Nikolas faced a difficult decision thanks to Cyrus. In order for his Aunt Alexis to stay safe at Pentonville, Nik had to work on getting Florence brought home. According to General Hospital spoilers from SheKnows Soaps, Nik is about to take action. From the sounds of things, Nikolas will forge forward with little support from anybody.
Nikolas has convinced himself that he is pursuing the right path here. However, his mother Laura isn’t pleased, and it seems his wife Ava has her doubts too. The General Hospital sneak peek for Friday reveals Ava will tell Nik that she doesn’t think “this is the way to do it.”
While it’s not yet known for certain that Ava’s talking about the Florence situation at this point, it seems likely. She sounds concerned as she says this, and it seems Nik will be rather on edge. Will Nikolas be able to get Ava on board with his plans?
General Hospital spoilers have also teased that Ava’s trouble will take some time to resolve. She’s received several creepy gifts that are put together to seem as if they’re from Ryan. There are signs that Cyrus will end up tied to this, but it doesn’t seem that any major revelations will break on this front yet.
Laura’s Not Happy
By the sounds of things, Nikolas will move forward without Laura’s support. She already tore into him once over his potential willingness to work with Cyrus. General Hospital spoilers signal that her disapproval will continue.
The General Hospital sneak peek teases Laura will have a chat with Martin during Friday’s show. She’ll ask Martin what her son promised him, but Martin may not be all that cooperative in filling her in on this.
‘General Hospital’ Teasers Hint At An Alliance Of Sorts
In the days ahead, General Hospital spoilers hint that Laura and Carly will end up teaming up on this situation. Apparently, they’ll want to stop Nikolas as he pursues his mission related to Florence. However, Laura and Carly may not exactly share common motives in this case.
Carly was the one who took Florence in the first place. Now, it’s not as if she’ll want to just hand her over to Nikolas. On the other hand, Laura wants to keep her son safe. Both Laura and Carly share a distaste for Cyrus and his antics though. Given that, they may feel as if working together is the best way to accomplish their respective goals. General Hospital spoilers promise juicy developments as this moves forward and fans cannot wait.