Amy Halterman Spills On Hiding Gage Until Birth Episode Aired [Exclusive]

Amy Halterman TLC

1000-Lb. Sisters fans know Amy Halterman and Michael had no choice but to hide Gage until his birth episode aired. But, this didn’t stop fans from asking questions about Gage. Many worried if baby Gage was alright. Especially when previews from Season 2 episodes revealed Amy in distress.

What happened to Amy Halterman’s baby boy? Where was Amy Halterman’s baby boy? These are questions fans Googled. There was even a weird incident where fans thought they found a picture of baby Gage with Tammy. The picture, however, was a baby doll.

Amy Halterman spills on hiding Gage until the birth episode aired

We reached out to Amy Halterman recently. Hoped she’d answer a few questions now that Season 2 finished airing. She was opening to answering anything that wouldn’t violate her contract with TLC. As we previously reported, she gave us some pretty solid advice on weight loss. Amy revealed fans needed to take weight loss “pound per pound” and stop trying to set unrealistic goals.

We shifted gears during our conversation with Amy because we wanted to discuss that adorable baby boy. Recall how confusing it was for fans when the birth episode aired. The following day, Amy shared photos of baby Gage. Only one small problem. He wasn’t a newborn anymore. He was four months old. Amy gave birth to Gage on November 10th, 2020. But, she couldn’t share photos or information until the birth episode aired. It violated her contract with TLC.

Amy Halterman TLC

So, we decided to ask Amy if hiding Gage from the world till the birth episode aired was difficult for her. Unsurprisingly, it was.

“Omg it was super hard.” Amy Halterman admitted during our discussion with her.

The first time mother regularly shares photos of Gage on Instagram now

Amy Halterman has just shy of 200,000 followers on Instagram right now. She’s been great about sharing photos of Gage on her social media profile after the birth episode aired. Fans were thrilled when baby Gage made his debut on Instagram. And, they were even more excited when they got to see the first photo of Tammy with baby Gage.

Do you imagine it was hard for Amy Halterman and her family to hide Gage until the episode aired? Have you watched his birth episode? Share your thoughts with us on Amy hiding Gage because of her contract in the comments. And, stick with us at Tv Shows Ace for the latest news on 1000-Lb. Sisters.

Allie Johnson

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