’90 Day Fiance’: Jenny Leaves, Sumit And Parents Say She Looks Old

90 Day Fiance - 90 Day Bares All - Jenny

90 Day Fiance spinoff show, 90 Day Bares All caught a hurt Jenny storming out on Sumit after he agreed with his parents that she looked old. It seems that the show lived up to its title Sunday night when Sumit bared all about Jenny.

90 Day Fiance / 90 Day Bares All – Jenny Crushed Over Old Lady News

Jenny and Sumit are in love but the age difference became a roadblock early on for both Sumit and his parents. Jenny is 61 and Sumit is 32 and you can see the difference in their ages by just looking at them. But that never bothered the 90 Day Fiance American woman, Jenny.

She thought it didn’t bother her 90 Day Fiance guy either but apparently, it does. Sumit was caught between two worlds on Sunday night’s show. His devotion to his parents in one world and his devotion to Jenny in the other.

Sumit’s mother and father who never wanted him to end up with Jenny, fought hard for Sumit to break it off with her. His mom was so distraught over her son’s choice of an older woman that she threatened suicide if Sumit married Jenny.

90 Day Fiance - Jenny - Sumit
Photo: TLC 90 Day Fiance Screenshot

At the time it looked as if Sumit wasn’t going to take any chances. He popped out the “promise ring” instead of an engagement ring to Jenny. Maybe he thought he was keeping his mom alive by doing this.

Sumit Goes Along For The Ride

Shaun Robinson interviewed Sumit and Jenny along with his parents virtually on 90 Days Bares All. Jenny seemed embarrassed and hurt over what she heard from Sumit. But he felt caught in the crossfire between Jenny and his parents.

His father shared that Sumit was stunned by how old Jenny looked when he first met her. Jenny asked Sumit if that was true. Sumit said on this 90 Day Fiance spinoff, that he would never tell Jenny that because it is hurtful. But because of his father, he had no choice.

He couldn’t lie and say no because he was shocked by how old she looked during their first meeting. The father said that Jenny is a good person, as is his son. But they expected a pretty wife for their son.

“I want to say something. She is very good. I agree. My son is also very good. We also expect the wife of Sumit should be good looking,” Anil said. “… Sumit was also shocked to see Jenny. The age of Jenny. Sumit, when he saw her first time, he was shocked.”

90 Day Fiance / 90 Day Bares All – Sumit Tells No Lies

Jenny got up and walked right off the 90 Day Fiance set. She was hurt and she refused to sit there and take the insults. Sumit said this was not a conversation he would have with Jenny but it was his father who brought it up. When Jenny asked if he had really said that, he told her the truth… yes, he had.

Later Sumit and Jenny talked it over. He said that she didn’t expect him to say that to her on his own. It wouldn’t be nice. He did tell Jenny that yes, her older looks shocked when first meeting her. But he wouldn’t tell her that when first thinking this because he didn’t want to hurt his 90 Day Fiance partner.

It seemed to shock Jenny that Sumit held onto this thought without any mention to her. But he continued to say it is a hurtful thing to say. So she couldn’t expect him to say it. It was his dad’s fault. He couldn’t lie once his father spilled the beans.

Allie Johnson


      1. Of course. She looks older because she is older. She’s 61, he’s 32. What do you expect? And she’s been through hell trying to stay with that man and be with that man. And to have these hurtful, things said to her. You know what? I’d walk away and I’d go back to America…

        1. I 100% agree with you!! I like Jenny. I’m much younger then her but I consider aging a privilege because so many people are not afforded this privilege!

    1. I agree with her looking old, frumpy and omg that turkey googler under her chin. Sumit is too young and attractive to be with this grandma.

      1. I agree Jenny looks old, maybe a makeover would help, that’s what happens when we age. Sometimes a nip and tuck does wonders. She seems like a very nice lady

      2. Summit should have been truthful to Jenny from the start instead of stringing her along all this time. l feel sorry for Jenny.

    2. please Jenny, get a neck and lower face lift! it will take 20 years off and still look natural. that turkey neck you have is not good. i am sure you will be happy with the improvement. maybe a Beverly Hills surgeon would do it gratis in exchange for notieriety on the show. reach out, maybe producers can help line it up.

      1. India is a very inexpensive place for plastic surgery. THEY need to make that decision though. Sumit may have come to terms with looks long ago. Chemistry is a weird thing. They clearly have it.

      2. She is a very sweet woman and I agree with you. However, Jenny it’s time to let go. Submit is still young enough to have children and a family.

      3. Yes, I think if she wants to pursue a younger man she should get a few nips and tucks. It would do a lot for her self esteem. And he should get his teeth fixed.

      4. neck and lower face lift ( mid face lift) is not that expensive I know a surgeon in Utah that charges around 7k for everything and he is really good, she can afford one she makes good money from the shows…

  1. She’s stupid ! Everyone sees she’s so in love that she can’t see ! He is in love with her and he doesn’t want any other wife but her , and his first wife Merii is dumb he can’t stand looking at her so why does she stay ? She needs to get a life I feel sorry for a woman who wait to get a hi from him , he’s nothing to look at ! Christine is the smart one ! She got out !

    1. I like Jenny but who is to say whatever
      it has been written BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER
      If Sumit wants to be with Jenny and feels comfortable with her then it is a done deal.
      Love prevails all you haters don’t know what Smith is looking for in a woman so leave him and Jenny alone

      Let them live their lives to the fullest and be happy with one another without all you haters noses being in their lives!!!
      Stay in your lane!!!!!

  2. I think she is very pretty.
    I do think that she should have a little work done on her neck. It is nothing to be ashamed of.I look way younger than 54 and I will have work done if ever needed.
    I love this couple.

  3. I love Jenny and Sumit. If marriage was based on Looks how come their is so many divorces in Hollywood. Marriage should be based on a person’s heart among other things. I hope they stay together.

    1. unfortunately Jenny is in a country that value youth, beauty and social class and what family and neighbors think about them(Summits parents )more than is Jenny is a good person and treats their son with love and respect, that is why I’m India marriages are arranged by parents not by love, just by what the other family has to offer to the man’s family, very shallow and materialistic society…

  4. I think he needs to stand up already. This has gone on long enough. I am from a similar culture and have sympathy and tolerance for the situation however, after this much time has passed it is enough. Also, Summit’s Mother has been over dramatic. Again, I am from a similar culture with strong customs and they are already married so his Mom needs to stand up for her son. Gossip in the community is not as important as your child. Far less important than your child’s happiness. The Father is doing it and he should also support his son and not let the wife rule everything. Also, the Mother’s manners are not polite. She bad mouths Summit’s wife all the time. It doesn’t matter if it’s in another language, one knows when they are being spoken about in a negative way. And the horrible things she says about Jenny is disrespectful. Quite frankly, I don’t know how Jenny remains as proper as she has over this time when she has had to take so much grief. I wish them luck but they will need far more that that. What you need on the show is someone like me. A person of these types of cultures. I can be a mediator. I have done it here multiple times for families. Someone who understands both sides and can calmly help each side work through the difficulties.

  5. Summit needs to put his foot down with his mother once & for all and tell her that if she does not accept Jenny then she is the one no longer welcome in his home .& omg Jenny Blast her hard and tell her she is the one looking old and if anyone is ugly she should look in the mirror ! Enough is Enough !!!

  6. Yes I very much agree leave them alone now Jenny tell summits mother to clearly back off because if she doesn’t she will lose him for good also don’t worry about your looks you are beautiful its summit mother that looks way way way older then you. Love you Jenny and summit

    1. Jenny knows to threaten Sumit’s mother with losing him is a fantasy and his mother knows it too. Jenny does look old. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. I’m sure he’d be thrilled if she had some plastic surgery.

  7. Here we go! Summit & Jenny are sweet together & there is an obvious respect & love for one another. Yes, we should always want to be the best version of ourselves so Jenny could use a makeover. Just look a bit more youthful, for her & her sweetie. Nobody else!
    His mother is a rude & demanding woman who could use some updating as well. It’s her son & if he is happy, celebrate them! It’s his life no matter what you wished for him. Be a better person & thank Jenny for making him happy & stop your nonsense! Jenny is a good woman & you’re lucky she has been respectful as her reasons to not be are many. She loves your son that much! Ignorance is one thing, stupidity another. Stop being stupid & embrace their being happy!

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