‘Shameless’ Season 11: Will Mickey & Ian’s Marriage Last?

Shameless Showtime

Warning: This contains spoilers from Shameless Season 11, Episode 1.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Mickey Milkovich (Noel Fisher) and Ian Gallagher (Cameron Monaghan) finally got their happily ever after. Or, at least everyone thought they did. During Season 10, fans watched a beautiful Gallavich wedding. The only thing we didn’t particularly care for was Fiona not showing up for her own brother’s wedding. But, John Wells (showrunner) has constantly reminded fans she has a pretty tight schedule and Emmy Rossum couldn’t be with them last season.

Mickey and Ian are still just as intimate as ever as we quickly learned in the first episode of Shameless Season 11. But, marriage might not be what either of them expected. In fact, there are a lot of things the guys are quickly learning. Things they probably should have talked about before the wedding.

Ian’s co-worker suggests the marriage isn’t going to work

Ian Gallagher is currently working at an Amazon warehouse. He noted to his husband Mickey it was one of the only places hiring because of the pandemic right now. And, they needed the money. Likewise, he wanted Mickey to get a job too. But, Mickey wasn’t feeling it.

Venting to a co-worker, Ian seems incredibly frustrated with Mickey. His co-worker admits she understands. In fact, she said Mickey sounded a lot like her first husband. Putting emphasis on the fact that she wasn’t still putting up with his nonsense. She added that lack of communication was a real problem.

Shameless Season 11: Ian and Mickey discuss their relationship

After having a serious talk with his brother Lip, Ian realizes he just needs to sit down and check with his husband. They need to figure out what to do about the money. And, they need to establish some boundaries and rules within the marriage. One conversation they quickly have is whether they want to be monogamous.

Mickey thinks it is a strange question as he can’t imagine only being intimate with a single person for the rest of his life. He even asks if oral would be exempt from the rule.

Ian agrees he can’t picture never wanting to be with another person either. He, however, admits he doesn’t want to think about Mickey being with someone else. Before the guys can spend too much time on the subject they get interrupted by Carl. Carl who is officially a cop now.

Are Ian and Mickey going to make it?

It is highly unlikely that the writers would end Shameless Season 11 (and the entire Showtime series) by breaking up this couple. After all, Gallavich is the fan favorite couple. The writers brought Noel back to play Mickey for a single scene when Cameron was exiting the show a few seasons ago. Cameron, however, later changed his mind. And, Noel decided to come back as well.

It goes without saying that it would be a real kick in the teeth for fans if the writers didn’t give this couple a happy ending.

Shameless Showitme
William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher, Noel Fisher as Mickey Milkovich, Cameron Monaghan as Ian Gallagher, Emma Kenney as Debbie Gallagher and Christian Isaiah as Liam Gallagher in Shameless. [Photo Credit: Paul Sarkis/Showtime]
Haven’t had a chance to watch Shameless Season 11, Episode 1? Well, you have a few options. The Season 11 Premiere airs tonight only on Showtime. Or, you can check it out via the Showtime streaming service. And, right now, you don’t even have to pay to subscribe thanks to a limited time freebie offer that extends into next month.

Stick with us at TV Shows Ace for the latest Shameless related news.

[Photo Credit: Showtime]

Allie Johnson

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