‘Big Brother’ Fans Are OVER Nicole Franzel’s Crocodile Tears

Big Brother fans are OVER Nicole Franzel and her crocodile tears this season. In fact, the chatter in fan groups and on social media suggests most are ready to see her get booted out of the house. And, yes, a lot of the frustration does stem from the incident with Memphis making fun of Ian and Nicole hysterically laughing at the jokes.
Big Brother fans think Nicole is two-faced and fake.
What fans of the CBS reality TV series really don’t understand is what Nicole Franzel is really feeling. After all, everyone has seen the live feed clips of the group listening to Memphis making fun of Ian Terry because of his autism. We also watched as Nicole and Dani agreed Ian’s rocking made them uncomfortable. So, the outside world doesn’t have a lot of love for Nicole, Dani, Memphis, or anyone else involved in the mocking of Ian Terry.
But, the one thing people might hate more than the mocking and bullying is being two-faced. Fans don’t understand how Nicole Franzel could be so upset about Ian Terry going on the block while making fun of him behind his back.
And, they are continuing to take to Big Brother‘s Instagram account demanding answers.
“WHY IS FRANZEL CRYING ABOUT [IAN] GOING UP BUT NOT WHEN PEOPLE ARE MAKING FUN OF HIM???” One frustrated fan penned in a comment on an Instagram post just yesterday. The comment was liked over 250 times. Suggesting that MANY other fans felt the same way. It also accumulated just shy of 50 responses.
This viewer of the series was not alone in their feelings toward Nicole.
Some individuals were quick to try to defend Nicole Franzel. They argued she did not say anything mean about Ian. She was just in the room when Memphis made fun of him. But, she DID laugh at him. And, there is video proof of it. These individual argue that Nicole Franzel has a “heart and soul.” Then, they insist she likes Ian and is friends with him. So, of course, she would be upset.
Others, however, were quick to correct the rebuttal. They pointed out that the production team made Dani and Nicole aware of how they looked on the outside because of what people saw on the live feed. And, they believe Nicole crying in the DR was just damage control on her part and on CBS’s part.
- “She’s not crying . She knows diary room sessions are aired shes trying to save face . However her interactions of her laughing at Ian when she doesn’t know if it’ll be aired- those are real . She thinks fake tears will save her reputation. But guess what Nicole ? You’re still a fruit loop dingus.”
- “Because she was told by producers in the DR about how them making fun of Ian was being perceived. And since then she has tried to be his protector. It’s not genuine. It’s to make herself look better.”
Unfortunately for Nicole Franzel, Big Brother fans are NOT here for the crocodile tears. And, they don’t believe she cares about Ian Terry at all. They just think she’s trying to save face.
So, what do you think about everything that is going on with Nicole and Ian? Do you believe her tears are fake? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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