Is This Photo Of Lauren Duggar & Baby Bella Creepy?

Duggar snarks and trolls find Lauren Duggar’s latest snap of herself and baby Bella Milagro “unsettling.”
Have you ever looked at a photo of someone and felt like the person in it was intently staring into your soul? That is EXACTLY how Duggar Snarks and trolls feel about the latest photo Lauren shared on her Instagram. And, even some of those who don’t usually criticize the Duggar family, have been quick to agree.
Lauren Duggar shared an intense photo of herself and Bella yesterday.
Less than 24 hours ago, Lauren Duggar shared a photo of herself and baby Bella. The photo featured Lauren with her hair pulled back into a loose pony tail as it flowed down her back and over her shoulder. Her hair looked a little greasy as if it hadn’t been washed in a few days.
Lauren Duggar’s head was tilted slightly as it gently rested on top of baby Bella’s head. Bella rocked an adorable knitted salmon pink bonnet. Both baby Bella and Lauren Duggar gazed at the camera with wide eyes. Notably, one of Lauren’s eyes appeared wider than the other.
The snap featured Lauren flashing a gaping mouth smile. She, however, only flashed her top teeth for the camera. While it was partly cut off at the bottom of the frame… Baby Bella had her hands clasped together at the bottom of the snap.
Duggar snarks and trolls described the photo as ‘unsettling’ and ‘creepy.’
It didn’t take long for a thread to appear on the Duggar Snark subreddit. Reddit users were quick to discuss their feelings toward the intense photo. For the most part, they weren’t feeling it. In fact, some thought the photo was extremely creepy. Here’s some of what Reddit users had to say about the eerie snap:
- “Does anyone else find this photo extremely unsettling?? Like they’re going to suck out my soul through their eyes.”
- “Okay good! I was worried I might have just been looking through a lens of judgement.”
- “Yes! I generally try not to snark on their looks (as in appearances), but the expressions in this picture are freaking me right TF out. They are coming for us.”
One Reddit user noted they had no idea how Lauren Duggar could go through the process of taking, picking, and editing selfies before deciding THIS was the one she wanted to post.
“Your expression is ‘straight out of a horror movie’ level of creepy.”
The Reddit user went on to add that Lauren Duggar was no different from anyone else. EVERYONE is capable of taking a photo with a creepy expression like this one. The user, however, didn’t understand why Lauren decided to share it with the world.
There were even several Reddit users who clarified they try to avoid judging and snarking on appearance-related topic. These users, however, had a hard time looking past this photo. Even the expression of baby Bella had many startled.
“Not gonna lie, sometimes I think some snarkers on here exaggerate a bit- I don’t always agree that a Duggar/Duggar adjacent looks quiiite as awful as some people say.
But this? This is spot on. This is terrifying. How do both of them look so unsettling? This infant is planning to kill me right after Lauren eats my soul. This picture is a trip.”
What was the purpose of this creepy photo?
Believe it or not, the purpose of this photo was to encourage people to slow down. To slow down and embrace their family. The photo certainly had people slowing down. Unfortunately, most of them were not taking the time to read the caption.
Do you find this snap of Bella and Lauren Duggar creepy? Let us know down below!
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Super, super creepy. She looks like her nose is so pushed up, its pulling her lip up, and bulging eyes !! Creep
Everybody is too quick to judge one another!!! She’s happy and beautiful with her daughter!!! Leave her alone!!!
The baby is adorable. The momma looks lovely and happy (baby, too). Some of us blink so much in pictures that we have to try harder to keep them open for the camera than others and it may look a little more obvious. The original picture was not so large and showed both momma and baby. This picture was printed “off” and isn’t in proportion. Not everyone walks around the house looking like a model. They both look good, go pick on someone else!
Why do people want to be so mean? This is a happy mother with her happy baby. PERIOD. People who judge, are not happy people. She is not judging any of you. She just wanted to share with you some of her joy. And look what you did to her in return. Shame on you!
What in the world is wrong with you people? Seriously ” if you dont have something nice to say the say nothing” being in the public eye doesnt give people permission to be hirtful and riidicule them .
Grow up get live and send a pic of yourself to be judged .