‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’ Star Whitney Way Thore Gives Engagement Details

Whitney Way Thore Instagram

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney Way Thore gets engaged tonight on a new episode. Fans love her with Chase Severino. Yahoo shared a few engagement details that the star was willing to share with them. Viewers have seen the preview and it is obvious Whitney wasn’t expecting it. He had even recently told her that he wasn’t sure if he wanted children. This is very important to Whitney and she is a lot older than him so she may want kids sooner than Chase does.

Whitney Way Thore shares details

Whitney Way Thore and Chase Severino actually got engaged back in October. As viewers have seen, this was after Whitney wasn’t even convinced he was going to stay with her. Whitney shared details about the proposal to The Knot. She remembers every bit of it. The proposal happened while she was posing for a photo. Whitney went on to share the following.

“I gasped and I think he just said, ‘Will you marry me?’ I don’t remember what I said, but I was totally in shock and it was obvious that my answer was yes. We kissed and hugged and then went back down to the bottom and across the street where some of my friends were waiting. Then, we called my parents and shared the good news.”

Whitney Way Thore admits that she didn’t think they would be engaged in less than a year of dating. That doesn’t mean she wasn’t thrilled, though. Her ring is exactly what she wanted and not the traditional type of ring. It turns out that it is a yellow sapphire surrounded by a halo of diamonds with a white gold band.

How is the happy couple doing now?

Chase and Whitney seem to be doing great. This couple has been sharing photos on Instagram. They aren’t married yet, but hopefully, she starts to share details. Chase and Whitney actually met through their mutual friend Ryan. Check out a pic of them together below that was recently posted.


Whitney did share that the couple has already found their wedding venue. Lucky for fans all of their relationship has been filmed for the reality show. Because of this viewers have seen their relationship grow.

Don’t miss new episodes of My Big Fat Fabulous Life on Tuesday nights on TLC. Hopefully, Whitney and Chase also filmed all of their wedding planning to share with viewers.

Mandy Robinson

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