Savannah Chrisley’s Fiancé Nic Kerdiles Adresses Rumors Of Breakup

Nic Kerdiles and Savannah Chrisley, YouTube

Nic Kerdiles is here to set the record straight about the rumored troubles between him and Savannah Chrisley.

Savannah Chrisley’s Instagram Post Sparked Some Shock Among Fans

The star from Chrisley Knows Best and her fiancé, Nic Kerdiles got engaged last Christmas but have recently been facing some breakup rumors. Savannah posted some pictures debuting her shorter haircut, it appeared she wasn’t wearing her engagement ring. On Todd Chrisley’s podcast, “Chrisley Confessions” Nic was asked about the issue and about the couple’s relationship.

The episode aired on Wednesday, they first discussed her haircut.

“I thought she looked great. I was shocked,” Todd said, before cracking a joke. “If you’re gonna cut your hair that short, I don’t know that flannel would be the thing that you should be rocking with it, but you know, listen, if it’s your thing, it’s your thing.”

“That woman, she can rock any haircut, it’s incredible,” Nic Kerdiles said. “She does look a little more like you after that haircut, I have to say. But she’s beautiful inside and out and she’s one strong woman, she’s brave, she’s courageous. She did this for a lot of reasons and I’m really proud of her.”

Todd then brought up the breakup rumors.

“It’s funny how people read into the smallest things like that,” Nic said. “But I mean, yeah I get that, there’s no engagement ring in some of her pictures. I mean, we’re together. Savannah and I are fine. We are working on ourselves every single day and our relationship. And listen, it’s not a perfect road,  we go through ups and downs. There’s a lot of stuff that I need to work on, there’s a lot of things that she needs to work on, and communication being one of them. So, we are very happy. We are in a good place.”

Their Relationship Is Doing Great And Getting Better Every Day

He went on to discuss their engagement, they have not set a date yet but they are working on themselves at the moment. Nic says it feels great to be engaged to the woman of his dreams, who he will spend the rest of his life with. He feels like a pretty lucky guy at that.

According to E!News, Savannah Chrisley has yet to comment.

Later on, Nic and Savannah’s “honeymoon phase” came into the conversation. In this time, they rarely argued and saw each other less. Nic said things were incredible back then, but when they passed he wasn’t the best person. He had some things he hadn’t dealt with and buried deep down inside.

Until Nic realized he needed to deal with these wrongdoings, they didn’t get back to a good place. But now, they’re in the best place they’ve ever been. They are continuously working on their relationship, it is a priority in both of their lives.

Nic Kerdiles confirmed that he and Savannah Chrisley have separate homes, yet still spend every day together.

“We’re in a great place,” he said. “Honestly. And I think that we’re only gonna get stronger, because, like I said, we’ve…started making our relationship a priority and we are working on ourselves and admitting to the things we’ve done wrong, and that’s been the biggest blessing, it really has. So, for anybody who’s doubting whether we’re together or not, we are together, we are very happy, and we are continuously working on our relationship.”

Allie Johnson

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