‘Lucifer’ Season 4 Worth The Wait, But Can Lucifans Make Netflix Order A Season 5?

Lucifans have been uncharacteristically quiet since Netflix’s Lucifer Season 4 drop on Wednesday. Can these devoted fans convince the streaming service to renew their beloved show for another season?
Lucifer Season 4 Is Worth The Wait
Without spoiling the new season, is is very simple to explain why the new season was worth the wait. The writing is exceptional. Because co-showrunners Ildy Modrovich and Joe Henderson had presented Fox, Lucifer’s former network a full 22-episode season, they condensed it down to 10 episodes. This means that every single moment is quality. There is zero filler.
As for the show itself, there is still the quirky cases, lush LA locations, other-worldly diversions and tension between Chloe (Lauren German) and Lucifer (Tom Ellis). With the exception of a few butt shots and a scant smattering of swear words, it is hard to distinguish when between Lucifer on Fox or Lucifer on Netflix. There are still songs, some tender moments and clever dialogue. This is a must, as the show is based on the beloved Neil Gaiman comic Sandman.
When Tom Ellis, who portrays Lucifer Morningstar, recently spoke to Collider, he explained that a shorter season means “great storytelling.” He even called Season 4 “our strongest season.”
“The result of having 10 episodes a season is actually a benefit for the show because you get the best version of it. You get the lean, great storytelling, for all of our characters, all the way through the 10 episodes, and it makes it more compelling.”
Ellis also appreciates that Netflix dropped all 10 episodes at once, so Lucifans can binge them all in one setting, or savor each episode, like a fine wine. Many devoted fans of the show are using the new season as an excuse to rewatch the first three seasons, all now on Netflix, except in the U.K., in order to watch the fourth season. Netflix may be sure to be monitoring this activity.
Can Fans Convince Netflix To Renew Lucifer?
Fans of Lucifer, nicknamed “Lucifans,” were shocked when Fox chose to cancel the beloved show on May 11, 2018. This was three days before they aired the final episode of Season 3. The season ended with Chloe finally seeing Lucifer’s devil face. It appeared that fans were never going to know what happened next. Lucifans around the world started Twitter campaigns to save Lucifer. Tom Ellis and the rest of the talented cast joined fans on social media to help persuade another network to save their show.
All of the cast, including co-showrunners Modrovich and Henderson interacted with Lucifans. Even Tom’s fiancée, Meagan Opoenheimer, who is the writer and producer of Facebook’s Queen America, got involved. Then, on June 15,2018, it was announced that Netflix saved Lucifer.
Now Lucifans will need to stream Lucifer Season 4 in order to demonstrate to Netflix that they are serious about their devotion to the show. Season 5 is not a given. It is presumed that Netflix will be monitoring how many people are indeed streaming the show. They may want to see whether they want to continue their investment. Netflix may also hope that other viewers may want to take a chance on this show that has garnered so much media attention. We can only hope that a Season 5 renewal announcement is coming soon!
Have you already binged Lucifer Season 4? Without spoiling the season, how do you feel about the 10-episode season? Do you want to see a Lucifer Season 5? All 10 episodes of Lucifer Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix.
Yes season 5 is a must they cant leave us hanging like they did once again chloe and Lucifer should be together the devil deserves love to!!!!
Yes Yes and Yes.
Lucifer season 4 was VERY MUCH worth the wait. I just couldn’t stop binge watching the episodes. Please tell me there there’s gonna be a season 5… Pretty Please?? Chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate bribes may be included.
Yes I loved season 4 and would love to see a season 5 you could somewhat say I’m addicted to this show!!! Thank you Netflix for saving our show Lucifer
Omg who would love Lucifer!? You get a love story, crime solving duo, sexy ass kicking demons and a surprise around every corner. #Lucifer has kept me at the edge of my seat and can’t help but want more! Yes I was one of those who watch season four all the way through but that’s because I couldn’t stop myself, it’s truly my deepest darkest desire and I want more. I’m a hopeless romantic and I’m hoping for season five with some more Decker-star!
Yes, I have already watch season 4 of Lucifer. I loved the entire season! I really hope Netflix redeems for season 5 and 6! ☺
So ready for season 5 ❤️
I binged the whole season in a night 😭 I have no self control. Season 5 is a MUST! Netflix, you HAVE to keep them for more seasons because Lucifer is amazing! Lucifer is only one of the few shows I watch that’s on Netflix, you can’t get rid of it!
Loved season four and eager for more!!!!! C’mon Netflix…we NEED a 5th season! And a 6th!
Awesome season!!! Netflix, bring on Season 5!! #LuciferSeason5
Do you guys remember the very first episode of Season 1? Where Chloe gets shot and says she doesn’t want to die. Lucifer’s response, “I won’t let you. Father will just have to wait.”
Hrmmm. Sounds suspiciously like a Promise, doesn’t it?
If our devilishly favorite King of Hell is elsewhere… how can he fulfill his PROMISE???
I would LOVE more!!!
Oh PLEASE, season 5 + we want MORE!!
I watched 10 episodes in 1 day. Now I am watching again. This season is awesome. This show deserves to continue. We Lucifans need season 5.
Love this show!!! Watched all 10 episodes and I need a season 5!! #luciferseason5
This season was the best yet . Colours of UHD ! The sly humour for example Game of Thrones quote “Winter is coming”.More please Netflix.
Binged it day it came out, watching it again. 10 episodes was to dense, 12-13 would have been better, give the viewers a chance to breathe. Writing was fantastic as always, action better than on network, special effects amazing. There are enough hooks left for a season 5, 6, 7, 8..you get the idea..it is still one of the most entertaining, though provoking, funny shows created in the last 10 years. More is definitely needed,wanted and desired 😉
i love it taking my time watching it though since only 10 ep
Love the show! Season 4 was the strongest yet – I took a vacation day to binge it, and am already watching it for the second time.
You ask why we fans have been quiet? It’s because we were glued to our screens!
We NEED more Lucifer.
In germany we had to wait a day longer to see season 4. It was amazing! And I ook all 10 episodes in one night… and I looked a second time and a third time… and now I’ve started teh fifth! Season 4 is soo great – best of all seasons and we all need season 5 and 6 and 7…..
Lucifer is the best show I’d seen in the last years and I hope so much to see more of him!!!!
Great job, Netflix!!!
First off huge ty Netflix woot you got it right saving Lucifer big time! Found it first on netflix, season 1 got me hooked! Season 2 reeled me in, season 3 had me on the edge of my seat and wanting more! And more you gave us! Season 4 was absolutely amazing apart from a lil too much Eve, think most were awaiting a huge Chloe and Lucifer love fest heehee.Well I was, so episode 10 was devastating to finally have Chloe admit she loves Lucifer and they are ripped apart at end with him leaving for hell.Well there is no hell like a fan scorned so WE MUST HAVE A SEASON 5 and beyond, find another ruler for hell( there must be some other celestial who deserves punishment and can take over lol) and get Lucifer back where he belongs with Chloe!!!! Bottom line Netflix we need MORE LUCIFER TYVM!!!
Here is where to request a season 5
I watched seasons 1 to 3 and I just lost interest as the comedy flouncing of Lucifer became too much.
When season 4 appeared on Netflix I watched the first episode expecting the same but much to my surprise I discovered a more mature theme, more interesting and I indulged in binge-watching.
I loved every minute and I was so sad when I reached the final episode.
We have to have more, it’s fascinating the way the stories reveal more of the history of Lucifer, his family and associates.
Thoroughly engrossed, my imagination has run amock at the possibilities and I would love, love to see another series.