Exclusive Interview: Elaine Howard, Sisaundra Lewis of ‘The Voice’ Talk Elaine’s New Book

Sisaundra and Elaine

Elaine Howard recently came out with a new book called Passion in the Bones. Sisaundra Lewis of The Voice was a childhood friend of hers. Lewis admits that she didn’t realize how low things had gotten for her friend at one time until reading the book.

TV Shows Ace got the chance to talk to Elaine and Sisaundra and get a few details on the book plus how Sisaundra is doing now. Elaine feels like it is never too late to find your passion. Howard credits Lewis as “a recurring ray of light” in her life. This book tells their story as well.

What made you decide to write a book at this time?

Elaine Howard: After years of battling low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness, my life transformed into an exciting adventure after I inadvertently discovered my passion for dinosaurs and paleontology. Since then, many people have expressed to me how much they wish they could find something that would make their own lives more interesting and exciting. Such comments led me to analyze my own transformation and then put together a guide to help others not only find their passion but understand why that is so important and powerful.

How can people buy your book? 

Elaine Howard: Passion in the Bones is available in paperback and ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and other retailers. Check out the links on my website passioninthebones.com.

What do you feel like this book can do for someone? 

Elaine Howard: Well, not just any passion will transform one’s life for the better. I think we’ve all taken up hobbies or pursued areas of interest that have not changed our lives much at all.  Passion in the Bones helps readers identify the characteristics of any life-changing passion. It then provides a step-by-step guide to finding a passion that will get the positives flowing- and keep them flowing- in your life. The book also contains inspirational stories of others who are making a positive difference in the world by pursuing what they love. While its dinosaur-themed, you do not have to like dinosaurs to benefit from Passion in the Bones!

Are there any more books in the future? 

Elaine Howard: I’m sure there will be. My life is an ongoing adventure, so I have plenty more to write about!


Sisaundra, are you still working on your music career? How is it going? 

Sisaundra Lewis: Indeed I am and it’s going quite well! I’ve continued to write, record and produce my own music and I’ve plans to release a jazz compilation this year; I perform at Disney with my live band as well as private and corporate parties and dream weddings. In addition, as an adjunct professor, I teach voice to aspiring artists in the music program at Valencia College.  So yes, my plate is rather full right now!

You never know what will come next! Maybe these two will join forces on a venture in the future.

Mandy Robinson
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