‘American Idol’ Producers Blindsided By Carrie Underwood’s Inauguration Performance, Boycott Coming?

Carrie Underwood-YouTube

American Idol producers allegedly were blindsided by Carrie Underwood’s inauguration performance. More so, they fear a possible boycott could be on the way due to this performance. What are the executives behind the hit reality singing competition saying now that Carrie has made this decision? Keep reading for further details.

Idol Producers Blindsided By Carrie Underwood’s Inauguration Performance

It was a huge thrill to get Carrie Underwood as the new judge when Katy Perry left American Idol. Not only did she have immense success but she had the experience. She had been on the show and won Season 4 therefore she could bring something to the series the other judges could not. Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan are beloved which is great but they needed the third judge to be a real firecracker. Some names were thrown around like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and Jelly Roll. Yet, it was Carrie who tied it all together in a perfect bow.

Carrie Underwood-YouTube
Carrie Underwood-YouTube

She is apparently well-received by everyone and host, Ryan Seacrest is thrilled to have her back. He has hosted Idol since its inception so they have a great history. Now, Carrie has come under fire as she is going to perform at the inauguration of Donald Trump. Some do not feel that is the best business decision for her but she called it an “honor”:

“I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event. I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”

Unfortunately, it does not appear Carrie ran this decision by the American Idol producers so they were blindsided by the announcement. According to The Sun, an insider shared that they were taken aback and had no idea she signed on for the inauguration:

“I don’t think anyone at the show knew about Carrie singing at the inauguration ahead of it coming out, it caught them all off guard. It doesn’t conflict with any of her Idol taping dates and it is before this season airs, so it doesn’t go against anything in her contract. But there are producers that don’t approve and are worried.”

More so, the execs are worried as to how this could affect the fanbase and question if some viewers will ultimately boycott the show. It does not air until March 9th so some may forget by then but others may be completely turned off.


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Fans Are Already Done

American Idol fans have already taken to social media to express their disdain with Carrie Underwood. They are not happy that she is performing at the inauguration and will not watch the premiere:

  • Hey AI…. This will be the first year I can remember that I will be actively not watching American Idol. You can thank Carrie Underwood for that.
  • This will be the last season because of no viewers. Thanks Carrie!
  • they are going to lose A LOT of support having her on.
  • american idol was a staple in my home when raising my babes! didnt watch for many years and recently came back and have so enjoyed the last few season! news of carrie underwood performing at his inauguration has truly saddened me. i’ll be back when carrie is replaced!

It appears that her performance at the inauguration is causing major fan backlash and that is very sad. Some faithful viewers will miss the show because of this. Now, if the producers had been asked before Carrie agreed, things may have gone a different way. The biggest issue is that Idol does not want to get political and now, she is making it just that.

Do you think Carrie’s performance will negatively impact American Idol? Or, will fans forgive and forget by March? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. I have already deleted her music from my playlists and collections and will boycott American Idol as long as Carrie Underwood is a judge on the show. I have enjoyed American Idol since it began but refuse to watch as long as Underwood is involved !

  2. I’ll be skipping the inauguration . Can’t stomach watching a felon being sworn in, and definitely don’t want to see Carrie Underwood’s performance – her hypocrisy is overwhelming. Not a fan of fake, self-proclaimed ‘Christians’ who don’t practice what they preach”- America Idol is a family show. Love it – I just can’t going forward with Carrie who is phony and hypocrite –

  3. You all need to get over it. She loves this country & is trying to bring it back together!! It’s not about politics, so why are you trying to make it like it is. She is a singer & wants to unite this country. Go Carrie!!!😊

  4. This is all ridiculous! I never watch American Idol and love Carrie Underwood. It is her decision and I definitely respect her for it. Even if I did watch this show I wouldn’t now not because of what Carrie Underwood will or won’t do, but the so called producers making a political statement. American Idol has no right to dictate what anyone should or shouldn’t do.

    1. If an employee does something that harms the business, the employer can absolutely have a say. Idol will lose advertisers and money if enough people boycott the show.

  5. You people are all so stupid. You are truly what is wrong with this country. If you love or hate A SINGER for a political point of view, one that she has never even discussed, you’re just pathetic. Considering the fact that we obviously outnumber you idiots by A LOT, I think Carrie Underwood will be just fine.

    1. We are not outnumbered by a LOT. Trump won by less than 1.5% of the votes. It has more to do with hypocrisy, which is a MAGA requirement, it seems. Underwood wants us to believe she is a Christian but real Christians do not support criminal rapists like Trump, who stole money from a children’s cancer charity. Oh, and did I mention that he’s a rapist?

  6. I fail to see the issue with Carrie Underwood singing at the inauguration. She is singing a song not campaigning for politician. GET OVER IT!!!!!

  7. Who is we?? I like American Idol, Carrie Underwood and USA. I’m just embarrassed our new leader isn’t allowed in most countries as a convicted felon. I’m certain Carrie will be spectacular and the next 4 years interesting. Instead of dropping her on playlists, boycotting television shows lets move forward and become one, you know, like when Challenger exploded, JFK gunned down or after 911.

    1. The Challenger didn’t explode because of a felon and rapist. JFK wasn’t shot by a rapist. 911 wasn’t caused by a rapist.

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