‘Price Is Right’ Contestant Plays ‘Risky’ Game

Drew Carey - YouTube

Price Is Right contestant gets told by host Drew Carey that he does not “blame” him for the “risky” game. The contestant walks away pleased with the decision. Keep reading to find out why.

Price Is Right Host Drew Carey

The host of Price Is Right is Drew Carey a 66-year-old American comedian, actor, libertarian, and game show host. Carey served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1981-1987. He was born on May 23, 1958, in Cleveland, Ohio. Drew took over being the host of Price Is Right on October 15, 2007, on CBS. Carey gained fame when he started his sitcom, The Drew Carey Show. Bob Baker was the host of the game show from 1972-2007 when the show was named the longest-running game in North American television history. Drew Carrey is also known for the movie Robots from 2005 and Jack And Jill from 2011.

Drew Carey | YouTube
Drew Carey on ‘The Price Is Right’ – YouTube

Jeffery Takes A Risk

Jeffery was a contestant on a previous episode of Price Is Right but also played the game show 30 years ago when Bob Baker was the host. The contestant was playing the Let ‘Em Roll Round of the game. In this part of the game, contestants get five die with car symbols and monetary amounts on the sides. The objective of the game was for Jeffery to roll all the dice at the same time in a bucket down a chute in an attempt to get all five car symbols. If the contestant does not get all five symbols to match they can win bonus rolls. With the bonus rolls, they get to keep whatever cash symbols appear on the dice they have rolled.

Jeffery only earned one roll in the Let ‘Em Roll game and had to guess the price of some items to earn more rolls. After guessing the price of some items Jeffery decided to go with the majority answer of the crowd and say that plant-based Country Crock Heavy Whipping Cream was more expensive than four pounds of Zulka Pure Can Sugar. Jeffery’s guess was incorrect but guessed the next question correctly, which earned him a bonus roll.

Drew Carey The Price Is Right YouTube

Contestant Winning’s Fans Agree With

On his first roll, he received two car symbols and an amount of $3,500. Host Drew Carey let the contestant know that he could use his earned bonus roll to try and win the car or he could walk away with the $3,500. Contestant, Jeffery said he was good with the money he had won along with the $2,935 sewing machine he had won earlier on in the game. Carey says ” I don’t blame ya! I would’ve done the same thing.”

Drew Carey Youtube
Drew Carey Youtube

Typically, fans would be frustrated that contestants don’t take the risk for the car. But in this case, fans agree with Jeffery’s decision and would have also chosen to walk away with what they have won. Would you have risked it and gone for the car? Was the safe choice the best option? Let us know in the comments.

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