Julie Chrisley Receives Extended Probation Time After Hearing

Julie Chrisley received extended probation time after her resentencing hearing. This was shocking for fans to hear. Everyone thought she might get less time in jail. However, that was not the case at all. Savannah Chrisley made it clear she was not happy about this. Keep reading to find out more.
Savannah Chrisley Is Not Happy
Savannah Chrisley has been vocal when it comes to her mother and her freedom. She is not afraid to speak her mind and let people know what is wrong in the justice system. However, some fans feel as though this is hurting her mother’s chances of getting out sooner. They think Savannah is sabotaging it all by being so vocal about the issues.
- “Bwahahaha! Let Savannahs whining commence!! Serves this family right, no accountability taking twats😜”
- “If only her daughter would keep her damn mouth shut she probably would be out soon”

Julie Chrisley Gets More Probation Time
Julie Chrisley recently had her resentencing hearing. Her family was hoping that she would get less time on her sentence and get home quickly. However, this was not the case at all. Julie ended up getting the same amount of time in prison. Also, she got two additional years of probation time. She originally had three years of “supervised release”. However, she now had five years of supervised release. Fans did not realize this until they saw the documents. Savannah has also not said much about this. Fans feel as though Julie asking for so much messed up her chances of a lesser sentence. She asked to attend the hearing via Zoom, a 24-hour furlough, and to wear street clothes. All were denied. This may have made the judge mad at her before it all started. Do you think this messed up her chances of getting out sooner?
It seems the judge was not having it with Julie. They made sure to get the point across that your fame does not get you out of consequences for doing bad things. However, her attorney feels as though that is the only reason she did not get less time. They feel as though the judge wanted to make a point. Regardless, she is still in jail for the same amount of time and now has two additional years of probation. What do you think about her getting additional time? Do you agree with it? Sound off in the comments below.
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I think Savannah should just kind of keep her mouth quiet because I think that people that are in higher up like the judges and lawyers and that are looking at her like she thinks she’s something special and her family is so they should get special treatment. So maybe if you just not say so much maybe they get out sooner It’s just my opinion
Judge overstepped her bounds !!
No she did not. You just didn’t like the outcome.
by holding criminals accountable regardless of them being on tv?
Remember just to keep that same energy if it’s ever the Kardashi-trash again. you know the ones that don’t do a day in prison or jail because they claimed the jail was overcrowded 🙄 I’m sure there was enough room in there for khloe’s big butt to set her time out.
😂😂 how so? It’s called being held accountable for your actions.
I agree I think the Judge definitely oversteps her bounds. She was going back to court because they felt that the time she got in jail didn’t fit the crime so she should have gotten less time but instead she got the same amount of time with 2 more years added to her probation. Something’s not right with that judge. I would think her lawyer would be able to get another hearing to get this judges order vacated. She was suppose to get less time not more.
She was supposed to get? There was no deal before she went into court. They were requesting less time. Criminals do not dictate the amount of time they serve.
I I agree
Judge overstepping I think…looking for his/her 15 minutes of fame
What about accountability
how do you know she isn’t accountable or wasn’t. everything I read she did not do everything her husband did at all so her time should be shorter. not longer. you don’t ADD to an already decided case. what has she done that the judge added. savannah should shout from the rooftop if judge is corrupt or the system. get a grip if you don’t think judges are on the take. Happens more than we wish it would.
Those two goofs sitting in prison were the ones looking for their absurd 15 minutes of fame and attention
They had a long running TV show. They already got there 15 minutes of fame and beyond. This judge is so wrong
a judge should not be making legal decisions based on public opinion or attitudes. The appellate court ruled Julie Chrissly had been wrongly over-sentenced for something she should not have been convicted of. Obviously, it was the intent of the Appellate Court for Julie Crissly’s sentence to be reduced–not increased! This lower court judge did the exact opposite; this judge should be reprimanded.
She did the crime she should do the time for it she knew what her husband was doing and she agreed with him on a lot of that stuff even though she was trying to act like she was the same and nothing was wrong, but she did do it if it wasn’t for her son turning her in and the way they treated him this probably never come up
Her son didn’t turn them in, the previous accountant did that they fired. he was in on the scams and had an affair with Todd supposedly and he’s also doing time in prison.
I agree, she needs to be in prison with her original sentence. Can’t believe she asked for Zoom, street clothes, etcl. Who does she think she is? A rich (from stealing) tv star, not!!
I wasn’t based on public opinion…that outrageous statement came from Savannah. The only reprimanding should be towards Savannah and anyone else that feels their family member or someone they like shouldn’t have to go prison after being convicted of their crimes.
ever heard of freedom of speech. she is entitled to say what she wants. do you think her attorney would not advise otherwise?
in my opinion the judge made a decision based on a personal feeling and that is wrong and that judge needs to be investigated and Julie needs to be reheard for a reduced sentence. I don’t think that anybody is asking her to have a favor because she’s a celebrity I think she didn’t have any idea Todd was doing what he was doing because she trusted him. I hope somebody above this darn judge takes it within themselves to relook at this.
I agree. They should have her removed. Personal feelings should be left out of the courtroom, as the judge should be impartial. I see this behavior often.
the judge made the correct ruling. And her entitled, vacuous whining daughter should shut her useless trap before she gets her idiotic mother a life sentence.
I agree!
You should really get a life.
So true!
I agree! Couldn’t the judge have said ok 2yrs extra probation as Some form of punishment. Couldn’t he also say that her a year or two would come off her jail time?
I totally agree she is just making all these people mad and they are taking it out on her parents sad to say but that’s how the real world is so she should just keep her mouth shut
If you do the Crime you need to be ready to do the time and Prison is not a motel or hotel,I have been in Law Enforcement and know some men stealing Corvettes and High End motors to put in there race cars and ended up in Pensecola Prison and when they returned to Knox County they said it was a breeze doing there time. So I don’t think Julie or Todd has hurt there selves. Now ,is it worth 15 minutes of Fame to act stupid.And Julie’s Dad is a minister,do your time and pay your fine and move on.
Is the judge a democrat! If he is, that tells you all you need to know about this socialist Marxist judge
😂😂 You do not even know who the judge is. Do you know how to actually research anything?
I totally agree and that’s the sting point for me when politics dictates decisions.Somethings smells off.Sue didn’t do bodily harm.No one will convince me other then that.Wake up ppl!
You’re an idiot! You must be an orange turd supporter.
I totally agree!!!
I agree. She’s definitely not helping the situation .
Hard to believe that she “won” her appeal as the judge did not reduce her sentence. If she won, sentence should have been reduced significantly. Plain to see that perhaps her fame played out negatively at the resentencing hearing. I would question the judge’s biased decisions legally and immediately. While it is very hard to accuse a federal judge, precedent is now set by a former POTUS, so she too should be able to do the same. Something doesn’t seem right in Ms. I Chrisley’s case; you win your appeal, yet you are resentenced to more time; makes no sense…🤦🏻♀️
Right?? Agreed!!
Exactly!! Child molesters, murderers, rapist oh and lets not forget all the illegals that do violent crimes and are back out on the street!! It’s disgusting!!
We are supposed to have Free Speech. She is expressing her feelings. She and her family shouldn’t be penalized for speaking out. The children did not get convicted for the crimes. Let her express her feelings and statements about it.
Savannaha is certainly upset and frustrated and she is supporting her mom. That’s what a loyal daughter “should” do!! She loves her mother and I’m sure she’s devastated, I would be!! In most families there are mistakes made, and bad choices made, but most of us don’t have to be bashed by the inforgiving public with their smug and cruel remarks. I guess I would be vocal as well. Remember people, the nasty Karma that you are showing her just might spin around to you and to your own family. Show a little kindness and understanding!!
I agree just because they are on TV that does not mean they get special treatment her and Todd are where they should be
Like this statement
If Savannah hadn’t got up and supported frump and made sure she was flaunting all over frump I was going to see about getting a petition going to get Biden to free them I for one don’t think they have done any more than frump and he has never been punished for anything he has done but let her be for frump and see what she gets
I’m not going to answer the question cause the judge might give me time!
That’s ridiculous!
Damn court system! Especially in Ga. They are as crooked and mean spirited as they can get! I know I’ve lived in Ga for 66 years.
they are not crocked hell I think they should have gotten more time for they are no better than I am
From the little I’ve read, she already got a pretty lieant sentence.
She didn’t have any trouble flaunting her wealth so now she has to pay the time for the crime. Savannah should be angry with her parents for putting her in the position she’s in having to care for her siblings. She acts like they should be able to continue their lifestyle.
If you can’t do the time,don’t do the crime.Daughter might want to keep her mouth shut.
I agree
I guess Family means a lot to her and she doesn’t mind one bit to step up and care for whoever needs her. She has a lot on her plate right now.
Savannah sure looks like she is still wealthy to me, with all her face work, traveling etc. She sure did not change her ways after her parents were convicted.
IN .
I think Trump should been in PRISON but that ain’t going to happen. They let him run again it’s not right.. If that was anyone else they would be in prison by now.
You’re so wrong this country is in this mess cuz of people like you with a stupid comment like that, but that’s OK, have you’re dumb Democrat? Response, and it’s perfectly okay. But if anyone ever has a different opinion, it’s never the same. It’s so stupid.
I agree with S&M frump is the one that should be in prison why these people voting for him cannot see what he does is beyond me
your parents deserve everything that they were convinced of just cause you come from a family that had money and there own TV show that showed a family of privilege and money now your family is suffering from the consequences of their choices to commit fraud and your parents deserve to be where they are in prison and I mean a real prison and not one that gives them what they want when they want it keep them I. the worst conditions possible cause they really need a smack in the face of real life
That is totally true
I think they both got what deserved. They were alway flaunting what they had while they stole the money to get what they had. I think Donald J. Trump should be in the cell beside Todd. He did the very same thing the Christleys have been accused of.
I have seen killers get less time I am not a big fan of the show so I am not biased I agree they need to be punished but it seems to me that it is too much time for a first offense.like I said killers have gotten less time.
I agree with Debbie, the whole family was on tv flaunting their fake wealth so now it’s time to pay the piper. That girl Savannah needs a reality check, meaning her parents committed a big crime. You can’t scam the bank! White privilege isn’t gonna cut it here. The judge has spoken!
thank you for I agree for other children have their parents in jail at least they have money to help them
I believe Julie is getting what she deserves. just because she has money doesn’t mean she should get any special treatment. Everyone in there has to due there full time. Savannah needs to keep her mouth shut she is nobody. she chooses to take care of the kids and now she has the nerve to complain she has no life. oh well Savannah with the fake bleached hair and botox and fake tan. who are you trying to be. you’re a fake all the way around. Enjoy the holidays without Julie.
I agree completely
Me too!
These kids were spoiled rotten due to their parents and shady dealings with wealth, (not really wealth) taking out loads of loans to live wealthy , cheating on taxes – moved from Georgia because of tax evasion and set up shop in Tennessee as a loop hole to their continued falsehoods and fake businesses. I have no sympathy for the parents. The kids are going to need more than just their parents back. New show called Chrissly Therapy
The judge should not put her emotions in her decisions. She should base her decision based on the legal system and in what is required based on the crime. what I’m reading it seems like the judge was bringing her emotions into this and was resentful of who this lady is because of the fortune she made, unfortunately she made a mistake but everyone deserves a second chance.
It’s really the viewers fault they are so demanding and have an appalling sense of self importance and feelings of being deserving of all they can gather. I’m surprised that they are still a topic of “the news”. But, as I said, our fault.
I agree and at least savanna has money to raise them what about other kids with parents in jail and the person raisithem is poor and broke
just because the appellate court thought that doesn’t mean it goes that way, try again
so who said this judge made her decision based on bias? let me guess, Savanah? just because the judge resentenced her to the same time does NOT mean she’s biased. the Appeals court did not say she should have her sentence reduced, they sent it back for the judge to make another determination, which she did.
It wasnt just tax evasion, but much more. my partner and I are contractors. we’ve dealt with people like the chrisleys, who don’t PAY the people who work for them, yet they live a fake lavish lifestyle for show. has anyone in here not been PAID for work you have done? probably not.
Us not getting paid means we lose our home, our business and any means to support our family. That’s what these two selfish A-holes did to alot of people. frankly 7 years isn’t enough!
I don’t think people should be so judgemental leave it to GOD I am sure they feel bad enough because of what they did everyone has something to say who are you to say they did the crime so they should do the time that show saved my life I was.going through something and my.sister told me to watch that show and I.coulnt stop laughing at some of the episodes I forgot what I was going through so give them a break let.GOD be the judge
all those episodes were scripted and fake so just how the hell did they help you I watched some of them could them unoriginal boring nothing but drama all reality shows are fake so wake up
The shows certainly showed their fake wealth with their expensive mansions, cars, clothes, etc etc. It was from stolen money!! They certainly deserve their prison time!
I think the judge did this case wrong. Everyone is saying that Savanah is talking to much but at the end of the day wouldn’t you fight for your parents! If the federal judge said there wasn’t enough evidence and she needed to be resentenced then she shouldn’t be punished because her daughter is exposing how the prison system really is. No one’s family members should be without air in extremely hot temps, there shouldn’t be mold, ect. As Savanah has spoken about the prison conditions so many people should be thankful for that. It’s about time someone spoke up about the prison system. No I don’t have family in the prison system but I know families that have loved ones in prison and people have tried to do something about the problems and Noone does anything. Julie should have had a reduced sentence. The evidence wasn’t there for the charges. They also need to appeal and request a new judge who doesn’t already have their mind made up because Savanah is fighting for her parents. People have a lot to say about Savanah. Well good job Savanah. Keep doing what your doing. It’s not fair that the government can do what they want but they aren’t being punished. Savanah’s life has been turnt upside down and she has stepped up to raise her siblings, take care of family business, take care of the legal business, also being there for Nanny. Savanah you and your family have been in my continued prayers. Just because a person is on tv doesn’t mean treat them like their nothing.
If you commit a crime you go to jail!!!! Get over it!!!!!!!
She probably got the extra time on probation due to the family still acting with a spirit of entitlement. All that asking for things….Just feel blessed you are getting out to go to court. That was her furlough. She should have not asked for anything & went to court with a spirit of contrition & humblenes & asked to get a shorter stay. YOUR IN PRISON- act like you recognize you were in the wrong but if granted leniency you can live a decent life, if they shorten your stay. Put yourself @ the mercy of the court for your family’s sake not go demanding this & that in an entitled way. I find these people entertaining but really- mind the pridefulness.