Mama June Shannon Begs For Help After Huge Custody Win

Mama June Shannon-YouTube

Mama June Shannon is now begging for help after her huge custody win. She was granted custody of Anna Cardwell’s eldest daughter, Kaitlyn after a battle with Michael Cardwell. So, what does June need now that she has exactly what she wanted and will she get it? Keep reading for all of the details.

Mama June Shannon Begs For Help After Huge Custody Win

Shortly after Anna Cardwell passed away, her ex-husband, Michael Cardwell filed for custody of Kaitlyn Shannon. She is the eldest daughter of Anna and was a baby when her mother and Michael got married. More so, the paternity of Kaitlyn’s father was never determined so he was the only father she allegedly knew. While Anna and Michael were married, they welcomed a daughter, Kylee, and even after they divorced, he claimed he still took care of Kaitlyn. Upon Anna falling ill, she had to make decisions about her girls’ future.

Kaitlyn Shannon-Facebook
Kaitlyn Shannon-Facebook

She knew Kylee would go to Michael but Kaitlyn was a wild card and Anna decided she wanted her husband, Eldridge Toney to have custody. Of course, June felt she was a better fit but Anna passed before the papers could be filed so her mom got what she wanted. She was then embroiled in a custody suit with Michael Cardwell and they both flung allegations. June claimed he was abusive during the marriage to Anna. However, he maintained Anna and June were estranged for many years. Ultimately, the judge awarded June custody but now, she needs help.

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Mama June took to Facebook to ask for assistance finding a home. Yet, many followers struggled to decipher exactly what she was saying. It looks like they need to be out of their home by the end of October, or early November but would take any leads they can. She does not want to pay too much but does need a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home. Finally, they want this search to be done all in one day so a lot is going on and she is really looking to her followers to assist her and the family.

Fans Are Struggling

After Mama June shared this SOS, it made its way to a Reddit thread. Followers did not take kindly to the fact that she brought up her late daughter and how she’s like a groundhog. That is assuming every day is Groundhog’s Day because Anna Cardwell passed there so she is reliving it daily. So, what else did fans have to say?

  • They just thrive in chaos. When things start getting good in their life, they have to cause some chaos somehow.
  • Why is she asking for help? She has called people on here all kinds of horrific names. The rest of us have to find our homes to live in, so she can find her own. If she can’t then her KING can. As nasty as she is, I wouldn’t want her in mine. She’s nasty.
  • You know she wants that granddaughter for a monthly check and prob needs to move to provide a room for the child. This mess is illegible.
  • How hard is it to call a local realtor, make an appointment and have them show you a home to rent/buy within your price range? Seriously, pick up the phone and call one! Of course you are ‘willing to pay’ one, because realtors get paid. Man, she’s just dumb! Or she thinks someone is just going to rent her their extra home for free.

So, maybe she does think that if she puts it out there, she will get assistance for free or little to nothing. The hardest part was trying to understand what she wrote. In the end, they all just want Kaitlyn to have stability because she has been through enough.

Why do you think Mama June is not looking for a home the traditional way? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. I’m curious why Mama June needs a 4 bedroom home to begin with. I
    s pumpkin moving in with her kids as well? June thinks if she asks her fans for help she will get a good deal or free. That’s how she rolls.

    1. I don’t follow them so the last story I saw of her she was getting arrested in Alabama while on drugs with her boyfriend FOR drugs. I wouldn’t want someone who was likely to make meth renting my house. speaking of drugs, how did she get custody of anybody with that kind of history? like I said I don’t follow this group of folks.

      1. For your information she has to do weekly drug test and would not have been granted custody of HER granddaughter if she was still on drugs so she’s been doing everything she’s supposed to and been clean almost 3 years, but you would know that if you followed them and since you don’t then why you commenting? What’s wrong with asking people to help her find a home that she wants and can well pay for? I’m sure you’ve asked for help in some type of way so what makes you so perfect? Nothing or noone on this green earth is perfect! Grown people always got something smart or two faced to say about people you know nothing about, so get on with your life and leave these people alone!

        1. Why so defensive, u sound like your related you them 😂😂 everyone’s entitled to their own comments and opinions here!

    2. Why need help when you know and fought to get custody of your granddaughter? The court made a mistake in giving you that child as she is used for money reasons. The court should be ashamed by awarding her custody when she didn’t raise her kids and spent Honey boo s money with still owning her money.

      1. I can’t stand people like you. You talk crap and know nothing about these people. It’s obvious that child is well taken care of and loved. If she was so bad then why did Anna want to be with her mama in her last days and months leading up to her death? Kaitlyn is happy obviously and where she wants to be so leave them alone and keep your two faced comments to yourself!!!

        1. June’s asking for help on public platforms therefore she’s not “obviously well taken care of”! I can’t understand why any court would grant anybody custody of anyone if they couldn’t do something as simple as find a 4BR 2BA house to rent. I guess when u want it right freaking now and for little to no money that makes things a little more difficult.

          IMO That little girl should’ve been able to be with her sister, regardless if the parent figure was the stepdad that helped raise her or her recovering addict grandmother

        2. FYI

          adjective disapproving
          us /ˌtuːˈfeɪst/ uk /ˌtuːˈfeɪst/
          Someone who is two-faced is not sincere, saying unpleasant things about you to other people while seeming to be pleasant when they are with you:

          I don’t think anyone here on this forum is afraid to say exactly what they wrote to June if she were standing right in front of them. Therefore two-faced is not the appropriate term. U must definitely be related😂😂

  2. why not let Michael have Kaitlyn back since he raised her and has room for her. He is the only father she knew. June just wants money…welfare from the state, SS money from her deceased mother. i cant believe the Judge would allow her custody without finding out if she could care for the child completely. she is exactly a prize parent or grandparent. Her deceased daughter didnt want the child to go to her mother.

    1. Agree, that’s why Anna didn’t sign any papers, and would change the subject anytime June would bring it up, The courts must not of looked at Any of June’s Drug history/Arrest records, She hasn’t been out of rehab or clean and Sober long enough, won’t be long she’ll be fucking up in one way or another, besides she don’t need a bedroom house there’s only 3 of them their June, Kaitlyn and Justin, 4 bedroom is just cause she want one , Not what would be a necessity, that would only need to be 2 or 3 if one of her kids or grandkids came to spend the night or vist.

      1. She should have never gotten custody. She couldn’t even raise her own children. The girls should have never been split up. This is insane.

    1. Obviously she did because that’s where she herself was and if you paid any attention to the show, you would have seen and heard that. She wanted Eldridge to get her, but he felt like he couldn’t do it so she then chose her mother. She thought she would live and didn’t do the paperwork and that’s why June fought and WON!!!! So if she doesn’t as on drugs or so bad then she wouldn’t have won, also Kaitlynn chose to be with her grandmother. She’s old enough to do that. She likes to see and be around her sister, but she didn’t want to be with Michael though so shut up already!The judge made the right decision and if y’all knew so much then how did you not know that June has been clean 3 years and has to do weekly drug test so obviously you don’t know what you’re talking about!

      1. It’s pointless to argue, u are clearly related to that bunch of leaches. I think allot of people were just waiting for something like this. The only reason she hasn’t begged for help sooner is because she might not have gotten custody of her. It’s a shame the judge clearly didn’t do any due diligence before he awarded custody to June. And no, I don’t personally know this family but when you put yourself out there like they have then you should be prepared to get the bad with the good

  3. The whole clan makes me sick! always looking for a hand out, wants people to help them and they are making more than lots of full time workers! with the girls, well the apple don’t fall far from the tree ! Never would I offer a cent to this clan.

  4. Mama June is looking for another hand out..I feel sorry for Anna’s daughter but, give us a break June you area taker and a user. I do not think your are in this for the right reason. get actual job like the rest of us. how are we to feel bad when you wasted so much money on DRUGS

  5. The judge should be removed from the bench. How in the world did he think that this scuzzy semiliterate woman is fit to raise a child? I pity that child. She should have been returned to the man who has raised her all these years. Then she could be with her sister. I don’t really think June’s house is a safe environment.

  6. I think it was wonderful of Michael to ask for custody. This way the sisters would be raised together. Kaitlin not only lost her mother but her sister and home. what about poor Elwood he was stepfather to both girls. I think the judge did not ast in the best interest of this child.

  7. By the way, there IS no McDonald, GA…perhaps you mean McDonough? How are you even able to function with so few neurons firing? Nobody wants to pay your bills. Find a place just like “regular” folks do…make some calls, visit some places, put in an application, put down a deposit…yada yada…fame will not get you in…CREDIT and a GOOD RENTAL HISTORY…that’s the ticket!

  8. Mama June is a pathetic piece of crap. All she wants is that monthly check. She is a unfit mother to her own daughters. Why the hell the court would give her sole custody of her granddaughter is seriously unbelievable!!!

  9. Nobody can throw Stones at the Glass House because Nobody is perfect and everyone gets a another chance at life because all yall are still here

  10. the kind of help June wants is for a fan to step forward and give her a free house or apartment somewhere, because after all, she is Mama June

  11. Agree, that’s why Anna didn’t sign any papers, and would change the subject anytime June would bring it up, The courts must not of looked at Any of June’s Drug history/Arrest records, She hasn’t been out of rehab or clean and Sober long enough, won’t be long she’ll be fucking up in one way or another, besides she don’t need a bedroom house there’s only 3 of them their June, Kaitlyn and Justin, 4 bedroom is just cause she want one , Not what would be a necessity, that would only need to be 2 or 3 if one of her kids or grandkids came to spend the night or vist.

  12. She had a nice home that she lost while doping and drinking. Don’t feel sorry for her. Judge is stupid for giving a child to her (for the check might I add). I wouldn’t rent a house to the nasty bunch. She should have to live in a dog kennel and that’s too good for her. TRASH

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