Julie Chrisley’s Request Denied, Resentencing Day Revealed

Julie Chrisley Youtube

Once again, Julie Chrisley has had one of her requests shut down by a judge when it comes to her resentencing hearing. Keep reading to find out what’s happening with the Chrisley Knows Best star now.

Julie Chrisley Shut Down By Federal Judge

Julie Chrisley has a resentencing hearing coming up in the upcoming week. This comes after finding out that there was an error in her first sentencing. This week, she put in a simple request for this hearing. All she wants is to be able to wear civilian clothing to her hearing. Unfortunately for the Chrisley Knows Best star, her request has been denied by the federal judge Fox reports. Of course, her lawyers are shocked by this news.

Julie Chrisley on Chrisley Knows Best (2)
YouTube/Chrisley Knows Best

“There is no good cause for denying the Defendant the opportunity to appear in civilian clothing for this hearing,” they state.

This isn’t the first time she has been shut down though for a special request this hearing. Before this, she asked if she could attend via Zoom. However, she was denied that request as well.

Denied For Attending Via Zoom

Earlier this summer, Savannah Chrisley took to her Instagram story to talk about what was going on with her mom. She revealed that Julie had put in a request to attend her hearing via Zoom, which is apparently very common.

Savannah Chrisley | Instagram Story

Savannah Chrisley | Instagram Story

“For those wondering what’s going on right now. The judge denied our motion for my mother to attend her hearing via Zoom. When you are in prison it is VERY customary to attend via Zoom,” Savannah writes on her Instagram story.

She continues, clearly very emotional, sharing that she now has to be worried for her mother’s safety as she is transported and shackled for this hearing.

A clearly very upset Savannah continues writing: “What does this mean? My mother will be shackled and transported for the next month… plane… bus… etc. with MEN.. some [of] whom are VIOLENT,” she explains. “I don’t know when I will hear from her next. This punishment does NOT fit the alleged crime.”

Hopefully for Julie, her sentencing goes well this week and she is not put in any dangerous situations as she travels to the hearing in person. Only time will tell what the outcome of the whole thing is.

Do you think Julie Chrisley should be allowed to wear civilian clothing to her hearing? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Be sure to come back to TV Shows Ace for more news on all of your favorite reality TV stars.

Haley Cook


  1. I don’t see why not why can’t she wear street clothes when she goes in front of the drugs I don’t know what she the clothes look like she’s got wearing

    1. I think Julie Christmas should be able to wear street clothes as long as she is in shakles in her ankles and wrist to keep her from escaping, she should be able to wear plain clothing and morning revealing to persuade the jury and team in her sentencing. She should be able to get out by 2026 so she can raise Chloe and let Savannah have her life back so, she can focus on her education and her own personal life.

  2. Why should she get special treatment. Other prisoners don’t. Just because she is well known shouldn’t get her special treatment. She broke the law a needs to pay the price like everyone else has too.

    1. How harsh you are! If you remember back to the Casey Anrhony case–the child killer–she was allowed to wear street clothes all throughout her trial. This judge is being cruel and vindictive. What possible reason could this judge have other than trying to humiliate her. Shameful this is allowed to happen!

  3. You are so right..she doesn’t get special treatment bc of her name and fame. She’s ashamed to walk out in public with that orange uniform on. That’s what it comes down to. You chose to do the crime and continue to do the same crimes for years until she and her husband Todd’s lies came to light. So for her and her kids trying to continue to beat the system with more lies is wrong just bc She’s too ashamed to walk up in court with an orange uniform is crazy. Stop blaming everyone for your reasons being where you are…in prison where you belong.

    1. Child killer Casey Anthoney was permitted to wear Street clothes. you are a miserable, . mean-spirited jealous hyprcrit.

  4. No, she should not be allowed to wear civilian clothing. She shouldn’t get preferential treatment because of her celebrity status. She has been convicted of her crimes and has lost those rights to wear what she wants. She is a prisoner, so wear prison garb.

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