‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Could Ryan Seacrest Be Out And Vanna White In?

Ryan Seacrest

Wheel of Fortune ratings are down as of late. An insider to the show recently disclosed that if things don’t get better for the show Ryan Seacrest may be exiting and Vanna White would be replacing him. If Season ratings do not increase Ryan Seacrest will be getting axed. So what is going on?

A Shakey Debut

Pat Sajak recently retired following his forty-year career. Pat Sajak was the long-time host of Wheel of Fortune and was replaced by Ryan Seacrest. The new season of the show began earlier this month and Seacrest has struggled to find his footing since then. Seacrest hasn’t been well received and ratings are down for the show. Fans were upset with Seacrest for not paying homage to his predecessor during his first episode. Producers have stated that if ratings do not improve they would bring in Vanna White to replace him.

One insider said “this is a very stressful time for Ryan. He’s in the seat now. Ryan’s trying to sugarcoat this and say it’s good news, that the only way is up since Pat’s ratings are down. But the bosses are worried it’s a free-fall that might not be automatically reversible just by hiring a new host”. Sounds like Ryan has found himself in the hot seat.

Wheel Of Fortune Ryan Seacrest
Wheel Of Fortune Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest Faces Many Challenges

Ryan Seacrest took over Wheel of Fortune when the ratings were at 4.62 household rating. Which is a 57 percent increase from the premiere of its last season. However, sources claim that the ratings have drastically declined since then. Seacrest secured a $28 million-per-year contract to host Wheel of Fortune.

A source stated that “the stakes are very high and Ryan’s under enormous pressure to deliver on the massive salary they’re paying him, not to mention the huge money they invested in giving Vanna her raise. If the ratings don’t come back up, Ryan knows he’ll be the scapegoat, so it’s incredibly stressful.” Ryan will have to take the pressure and turn it into productive ratings.

The source also stated that if Ryan was axed from the show Vanna would be his replacement. “Vanna’s in the catbird seat. She can just stand back and see how Ryan gets on. Even if that’s not her intention, she can certainly be the one to benefit from this in a big way because she’d be the next obvious replacement. Everyone knows there’s no one the fans would rather see take over from Ryan — she’d be a slam dunk!” Vanna has worked hard for Wheel of Fortune for a long time and she would be a fan favorite to take over the host position.

Do you think that Ryan Seacrest should be fired? Would Vanna be the perfect replacement? Sound off in the comments below.

Cheri Gossett


  1. I didn’t enjoy watching Vanna be the host when Pat was out I’ll.. not a fan of Ryan either.. I’m now changing the channel at 7:30 to CBS, Entertainment Tonight!

    1. I wasn’t impressed by Vanna’s performance when she filled in for Pat, it didn’t flow well. I think Ryan is doing fine, give him more time for folks to get used to him. He has a quick wit and he has good timing.

  2. Ryan is doing a fantastic job!!! I don’t know what other people are seeing but he’s doing great! I didn’t care for Vanna when she replaced Pat when he was out! Keep Ryan!

    1. I think Vanna should have been the original first pick, she’s earned it and I Loved when and how she hosted while Pat was away, Vanna is a class act for sure.

  3. I don’t care for Ryan at all. He’s been handed everything to him. Its time to bring a fresh face in, unless Pat comes back. Someone like Gary Kroger or his personality would be an awesome host. But don’t take him off the newlywed game.

  4. If things don’t change by the first of October, I will changes programs. Vanna would do a great job and I will continue to watch.

  5. it takes time to adjust to a new host,
    just like when you start a new job. Give Ryan some time to find his nitch. I think is getting the hang of it and doing better each day

    1. He treats/ interacts with Vanna better than Pat did. He talks to her like she’s not just a female letter turner, so for that Ryan gets an A from Me.

    1. No way, that would be AGEISM at it’s worst, Vanna was working for this show perhaps before Maggie was born, it would also be NEPOTISM.

  6. I didn’t like Ryan Secrets before but I think he’s doing Wheel of Fortune. I think naming Vanna White as the host would be a big mistake.

  7. Vanna would be the right choice
    she’ll be great &
    Pat’s daughter should take Vanna’s
    spot at the letter board…
    They’d be a great match up

  8. I have always watched and liked Vanna White. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Likes and dislikes can be anyones opinion. It is simply a matter of agreeing to disagree. Blessings for all. stay safe.

  9. It’s hard to replace an old timer and takes time to do so. I think Ryan is doing a fine job and I don’t think Vanna would be a good replacement. Please give Ryan more time and don’t replace him with Vanna.

  10. Vanna should have been replaced as well with Pat’s retirement. Give the show a whole new updated version. Those Gowns are so primitive.
    Then you can give Seacrest a few more reins and I’m sure he can do this.

  11. Don’t really care for Ryan not sure if I can continue to watch. It’s really kind of boring me. He puts a whole new vibe in the air that even the contestants are acting different. Change is hard, and you have to give it time, but I don’t know if I can tolerate it. I find myself walking away from the TV or switching the channel. I might just be changing to something else at that timeframe.

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