‘90 Day Fiance’ Jovi Dufren & Yara Zaya Split

Yara Zaya, Jovi Dufren-Facebook

Have 90 Day Fiance stars Yara Zaya and Jovi Dufren officially split after facing a lot of drama in their marriage? He was known for loving the party lifestyle and she was just trying to adapt to America and his family. So, have they finally broken and moved on? Keep reading for all of the details.

90 Day Fiance Jovi Dufren & Yara Zaya Split

It has not been an easy road for Yara Zaya and Jovi Dufren as 90 Day Fiance fans have seen. They met and had a whirlwind romance which resulted in a pregnancy and proposal. Sadly, she lost the baby and needed time to heal but Jovi was never around. He was at a job that took him away for extended periods of time or he was out partying with his friends. Jovi had a fondness for strip clubs which Yara could not understand, even if she tried to go to one.

Yara Zaya, Jovi Dufren-Facebook
Yara Zaya, Jovi Dufren-Facebook

Eventually, they tied the knot and welcomed a beautiful daughter, Mylah but Yara always felt like she was taking a backseat. They did start to travel to see where they wanted to set down roots. Then, Jovi was pressuring Yara for another baby and she was not ready. She was secretly still taking birth control which he was unaware of. The drama of their relationship landed them on the 90 Day Fiance spinoff, The Last Resort. Yara was livid with Jovi’s partying, especially with how close how became to Angela Deem. He also headed to a strip club which was her pet peeve. So, have they broken up?

Jovi Dufren-Facebook
Jovi Dufren-Facebook

According to an ‘Ask me anything?!’ segment he did on social media, someone asked if Jovi Dufren and Yara Zaya were still together. They noted that the two were never in each other’s videos anymore so that must mean they have broken up. He simply said:

“No, we are not.”

Now, they were seen together as a family in Punta Cana for Jovi’s birthday on September 1st. They appeared very happy and frequently joked about how people questioned their marriage all of the time.

Is This Real?

It is unclear if Jovi Dufren was making a joke about them splitting up or really meant it. He also had someone tell him that he looked gay. Jovi posted a photo of himself and Yara Zaya and then thanked the follower. When asked about more children, he said it would be continued so time will tell if he will comment on them breaking up or being happily in love. Finally, they have appeared on episodes of Pillow Talk together and seem to enjoy one another but again, looks can be deceiving. Time will tell if they will come out with an official split statement.

Do you think this is really the end for Yara and Jovi? More so, are you shocked that they made it this long? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. I was wondering how long it would take you to leave that LOSER Jovi. He’s not funny, not good looking or intelligent, and is a man-whore. American’s who can’t find anyone in this huge country to find a relationship with, are our rejects who out of necessity go to international dating sites. You don’t present as low life like him! He thinks he’s all that because he is accustomed to hang out with strippers he PAYS for their lies. It’s their JOB little buddy boy!

    1. Agreed….Yara is beautiful and Jovi is not even a tiny bit cute! He has a huge lemon mouth and I think is quite creepy looking. She deserves a much better partner. He’s probably still got that strippers phone number in his phone! She should have never married him.

    2. I totally agree with you on all of it, and I can’t believe jovis mother got mad at yara for using birth control but not jovi for trying to force another baby on her, yara if you haven’t already GTFO while it’s only u n the baby go back to ur mom who actually loves you, jovi will NEVER change he’s a POS please leave b4 he let’s ur daughter think a man like this is ok to be with

    1. I agree! they are young and will figure it out. they love each other. don’t wish for a divorce there the child to think about. I’m not saying stay for the baby in feel there is love there. and I pray for her country!🙏

  2. i hope their still together but Jovi has a lot if changing to do.he has a beautuful sweet woman and has no idea how to be a living faithful man.

    1. why do people feel the need to make such comments about foreigners being desperate to come to the USA? does Yara strike you as being happy in the USA? or dying to go back to Ukraine? 🙄

  3. I can’t believe some of the rude comments one person made.Must be ignorant and or jealous.I find Jovi nice looking.Get a life woman.

  4. Both seem infinitely self obsessed, dull, and shallow, laughably so. Plastic souls, fake smiles, fake faces, fake personalities. They deserve each other though, as they are equally blank

  5. Why she married him? looks aside, it’s what is in your heart and soul. No one here knows what goes on behind closed doors!

  6. She may want to go back to Ukraine but there is no Ukraine to go back to she’s lucky she’s here or she may not be around

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