Alana Thompson Begs Fans For Help To Get A House In Denver

Alana Thompson

Alana Thompson begged for fans’ help to get a house in Denver, Colorado. However, fans are not buying her story. Alana has made it clear that she is going through some financial hardship. Mainly because she is having to pay for school. However, when she begged for help to get a house, people were careful to believe what she said. Keep reading to find out more.

Dralin Carswell Gets Arrested

Alana Thompson has a questionable boyfriend. Dralin Carswell recently got arrested. Alana was in the car when this all happened and was taken to jail as well. However, she was not in trouble. It seems that Dralin was getting pulled over for a traffic stop. However, he took the police on a chase. He ran a car off the road. Police had to eventually slam into their car to get them to stop. Darin was then arrested for having illegal drugs and an illegal gun in the vehicle. He was also charged with running from the police, speeding, and following too close.

Dralin Carswell, Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson-Instagram
Dralin Carswell, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson-Instagram

Alana Thompson Begs For Help

Alana Thompson went to social media to beg fans for help when it comes to getting a house. She said the reason they could not find one was because Dralin has over $1,000 in student loan debt. Or maybe it is because of his criminal record? However, they have to be out of their house by September 1st. She asked fans to help her find a house that they could rent. Alana wanted a house for their dog. However, fans did not believe this story at all.

  • “Doubtful it’s the student loans.. more likely the arrest record.”
  • “‼️Property Manager here- nothing you are saying is making sense. Like my grandad always use to say – if it don’t make sense, it’s bout a lie!😂😂”
  • “Somewhere in between is the truth”

Yikes. She is not getting the support from fans that she expected to.


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It seems that she cannot find a house that will allow them to stay there. She claims it is because of her boyfriend being in student loan debt. However, fans were immediately skeptical of what she was saying. None of it makes sense. People think there is more to the story that they are not revealing. Regardless, fans are not going to be much help when it comes to her finding somewhere to stay. What do you think about her begging for help? Do you believe her story? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent


  1. so where is the money she makes from the show? where is the money from her and pumpkins business, selling over priced junk? what do they ever do to help less fortunate?

  2. void last comment. so if money is no issue and they make more then the rent as she claims, check into a extended stay hotel.

  3. I feel as tho she explained what the problem is.Either you gonna help her or not instead of being nosy.She don’t have much time.You see she’s going to school and Daylin is workkng.I wish I lived in Denver.Help her out.Shes having a tough time always.Please give her a hand

    1. Ya remember folks her mother did steal her money that she worked for already. So big deal she needs help. At least she’s trying to better herself. She didn’t ask anyone to help her pay rent just rent to her. So she not begging for money. Just wants a house to rent.

  4. she needs to get a job and work like everyone else. instead of relying on others to support her little spoiled ass beauty pageant. and she needs to lay off the damn food.

    1. Totally agree! Her boyfriend has carried her to a new low! If no one in her family will help, there’s something else going on!!!

  5. Alana, look into a Extended Stay to live in. Your bf needs to get his act together before you ruin your life and lose your desire to be a Nurse. Felons have less job opportunities. Be smarter Alana.

  6. The show seems to be doing well, so maybe ask the producers for an advance?? SOMEONE in that family ought to have some money!!

  7. Ya remember folks her mother did steal her money that she worked for already. So big deal she needs help. At least she’s trying to better herself. She didn’t ask anyone to help her pay rent just rent to her. So she not begging for money. Just wants a house to rent.

  8. Stop Begging!!! Get off your a** and Get another job! a job! !night time Daytime whatever it takes and get your dead beat boyfriend out of the picture!!!!!!! He’s only there for the fame

  9. they both need to get a job. doesn’t she get paid for doing the show. usually colleges have jobs available to them, go back home to a junior or community College for now

  10. she is not asking for money, she is asking for help finding her a place to live, people now days can not help people out, they must not have God in their life because if they did they would help her find a place to live, that’s sad no one can help her out in Denver someone who’s live there can help, only thing I can see they talk about her like she is a piece of trash less she is trying make some of her self so why? no one can help her find a place

  11. Asking her to dump her boyfriend is useless! Look at the example her mother set. She’ll never dump the guy.

  12. as one person has said she is not asking for money she is asking for someone to RENT a home to her. they can provide all the stipulations of her renting from them that they want agree or disagree on whatever those arrangements are. yes she has a shady boyfriend and should probably give him up he’s too much trouble and causing her too much grief and is making her life rather miserable I’m sure. but we all know how young love is. so they rent to her or they don’t. and she has to stay in a extended living place until she finds something. but what’s the sense on dogging her. this is coming from a 70 year old mother and grandmother they do eventually grow up. thank God she is trying to do the right thing get an education gain a career and hopefully eventually a new boyfriend.

  13. There’s no way I would give her money…work for it. Get rid of the boyfriend first of all…finish college then get a job to buy a house…grow up!

  14. it’s sad that so many people have so much to say who probably don’t have their lives together or didn’t have it together especially at her age, you don’t have to agree with her choice to be with that young man but she doesn’t deserve to be homeless because of it. I pray that someone rents her/him a home, that she continues to focus on her education and that he gets things in his life in order to be the man she needs or moves on. People remember you have made a mistake or two stop judging. wishing them the best in whatever direction life takes them.

  15. It’s funny how people are so quick to judge. Not once did she ask for money. She is asking for help looking for a house. Not money. Yet everyone is accusing her of asking for money.

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