Ashley Iaconetti Reveals Birth Experience With Second Baby

Ashley Iaconetti via Youtube 1

Bachelor in Paradise fan favorite Ashley Iaconetti just gave birth to her second son a few weeks ago. Now, as she’s settling into having a toddler and a newborn, Ashley is opening up more about her birth experience with Hayden. What did she have to say? Keep reading to find out more.

Ashley Iaconetti Opened Up About Birth Experience

BIP fave Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon just welcomed their second son a few weeks ago. Ashley bounced back rather quickly from giving birth to Hayden Cruise. Within a week of giving birth, she was seen dancing with her two-year-old Dawson.

Now, Ashley is opening up more about the experience she had giving birth the second time around. What she had to say may surprise some fans.

Ashley Iaconetti, Jared Haibon and their son Dawson/Credit: Instagram
Ashley Iaconetti, Jared Haibon and their son Dawson/Credit: Instagram

US Weekly caught up with Ashley and she dished on what it was like giving birth the second time. She said this time was actually even better than the first. She said, “It was actually easier than the first. I had two great deliveries and this one could not have been done better. Like, I basically didn’t feel pain. I felt pressure and really [no] pain.”

Ashley was induced and to ensure she didn’t have to endure the intense contractions associated with Pitocin, she opted to have the epidural before they ever started her medicated IV drip.

She went on to say, “With Dawson, I probably felt pain for like an hour —going from triage to the delivery room and waiting for the epidural for a little bit. [This time], I was induced and it was just kind of like a doctor’s appointment. It was awesome.”

Hayden Cruise Haibon via Instagram
Hayden Cruise Haibon via Instagram

How Long Was She In Labor?

Ashley Iaconetti Haibon revealed that after the Pitocin was started, Hayden was born about five hours later. While they waited for his arrival she said she and Jared just hung out and relaxed.

She watched The Kardashians on her phone while Jared took a nap and read a book. Ashley noted that she really wished every woman could experience the kind of birth she did.

After having her easy, relaxed birth experience, Ashley and Jared ordered Sushi to celebrate.

Sadly, this will be the last child for Ashley and Jared. The two decided that they were going to stop and have just two children. So, even though she won’t have a girl, she’s okay with that.

Ashley shared that at first, she felt some gender disappointment. However, she’s past it and loves her two boys more than anything.

What do you think about Ashley’s birth experience?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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